
No matter our individual beliefs, lack of, or theory, lately during my studies of multiple philosophies and ancient texts, the thing that has really stood out in my mind is that EVERY SINGLE ONE of them teaches that we should show peace and love of our fellowmen. That leads me to question, why people feel compelled to fight over faith, something so simple as an idea?, (something that's personal, individual, and stored within in our heads and heart) it boggles my mind. What are they fearful of? What might we find?
I've included quotes from the Bible, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindu, Pagans, Sikhs, Witches, Quorean, and several texts promoting PEACE!!!
The point of this post was to bring it to peoples attention, that we are all connected yet different. "God" (or not) has many names across the world, but the teaching is similar in so many ways.... but the common denominator? They all teach love!!
I often do personal experiments on myself to see the benefit in following the words of the ancient ones, and are currently puting into practice the first Biblical quote, then will move to each one in time. I believe there is great wisdom hidden in the pages of ancient texts and I will continue seeking wisdom.
My final point: please take note that despite the multiple differences in Religion, they all have one thing in common. LOVE! I'm putting into practice as well as limiting negative input via TV, social media, and until my experiment is complete, certain people that distract me from my goal of focusing on things pure and lovely, will have to wait until my experiment is over.. Anyone, of any belief, philosophy, theory, or lack of, is invited to join in discussion. . . this is a Healing House, many with spiritual gifts that are invaluable and worthy of attention. Let us only build up and heal. Feel free to chime in, ask questions, there is no judgment here. Only love and that's what I feel I should promote!!!

Religion - Which one is right?

What have we learned?
- Sin is any act not done in love.
- Things are not always what they seem.
- Truth is not a matter of opinion.
- Thoughts and words have power but intention is EVERYTHING!
- We must learn to think freely and on our own to finds our way home to God while we live. In doing so, we can trust Him to take care of us the way He cares for the rest of creation. Thus we don't need to "prepare" for anything at all. But we must be ready to act when he opens the door for us..

Lawyers will tell you,
"No one can know the law."
This is "The Law"