Learn the power of the word "no".
People Pleasers
How to stand in your power when someone asks you something.
Check out this gauge.
Notice it has a No, No but (some condition must be met), Maybe, Yes but (some condition must be met), and Yes.

If someone asks you, “Will do you …. for me?” You need to stop and think about this gauge.
If the answer isn’t “HELL YA!” that would be a (Yes) then the answer is in fact some degree of “no”. And therefore “no” should be your response to their question.
You don’t owe anyone anything. God granted you the gift of life, not man.
You have nothing to prove. Your worth is guaranteed.
Now keep in mind that folks are used to you saying “yes” and doing their bidding, and at first when you start saying “no” it will piss them off. Folks don’t like change, but that is THEIR problem not yours. No matter what they say after that point, stand your ground, the answer should remain “no”. Do not change your response to them just because they can’t control their emotions or you. Certainly don’t change your response because they threaten you. Most of the time threats are idle, just a bluff. They have no power over your gift of free will choice, but many will try to make you think that they do. The only way to find out is to test it. When you find out just how powerful you really are you will be amazed.
Now if you do give in, the only thing you can do is forgive yourself, rather than be angry with yourself or them, because YOU did make that choice.

The truth of the matter is this. You can't please everyone, so you have to please yourself.
See you at the "Garden Party"

Now I am understanding.
We learn to not give away parts of our-self with words. Words are SO very powerful. More powerful than anyone knows. We manifest with intent. Every word that comes out of your mouth is an intention. What will you be manifesting today? Hmmm.......

We are asking you to please watch, not judge, you might learn something powerful and amazing.
Your words and thoughts have physical power - Will Smith

The Power of The Word "No".

Regarding the thought; “There is something that I have always wanted to do, but I am very afraid I will get turned down for the idea.”
You do know that is self-fulfilling prophecy, correct?

When you don’t ever ask, the answer is always “No”.
When you do ask, there is the “risk” that someone might say “Yes”. So it is not the fear of being turned down that stops you from achieving your dreams, it is the fear of being granted what you always wanted that stops you. You fear success!