I wake up this morning and I find myself in tears.
What is going on out there?

“Black lives matter”
You are being USED!

Look now you all have me saying “fuck”, it comes with the extreme frustration I feel from speaking and not being heard. Are you all really that deaf?
Do you not know what really matters? Your soul's immoral existence is what really matters! Nothing in the illusion is as important as your soul’s existence.
We are at war
for our right to exist as souls!
A soul can be destroyed!
Immortal is not the same as invincible.
If He dies so too will you!
That is what all this finger pointing is doing,
it is damaging the soul, and it is damaging Father God.
Do you not feel the pain?
Can you not feel that pain?
You are causing it!

That pain is not caused by what may or may not have happened in the past. It is caused by what happens in the now. The only time is now, THERE IS NO PAST, and there will be no future if you can’t let go of the lie that they are telling you. That is how YOU are causing that pain! By judging your brothers and sisters, and it is that very act of judging others that causes you to hurt like you do. That is why the Ascended Masters said, “Judge not!” That is what it means by “Least ye be judged by equal weight and measure”.
Because we are all one, what you do to your brother or your sister you also do to yourself. Can’t you feel the pain you are creating?!!! Have you not had enough of it? Father knows I have. I’m so tired. I don’t know how Father endures all this constant non-stop pain that people are causing Him. He loves you just the same.

You behave as though you have no clue what you are crying about. You don’t understand the pain you are causing yourself? When what you are thinking hurts it is a huge hint that you are going in the wrong direction with your thoughts! If “black lives matter” makes you mad, from any direction, you are in the wrong thought pattern. Change it.
For only you can change it.


Nothing that happens in the illusion is as important as what you are doing to your own soul and to Father. For every person who points the finger at another you are creating that pain that you feel that you think is coming from another. You are living in victimhood! That victimhood is caused by your own wicked finger pointing! Chop it off if you have to! But stop causing so much pain I cannot endure any more of it. I have no idea how Father does. He’s just that stubborn, He wants to exist so badly He endures all the pain you are causing Him right now. But I can’t stand it anymore; I’m so tired of the constant non-stop pain.

It is judgment
that makes pain inevitable.
If we could just stop with the judgments, the pain would go away.
Judge not!

Yes lives matter but no single race is being singled out. Everyone is being abused. It's not the cop's fault. It is the systems fault. Guess what … YOU ARE THAT SYSTEM! Stop looking backwards at an illusion of lies, and start looking at where you are headed. The past is over, done with, it can't be changed! Only ghost live there. Why are we doing this? Keep headed in this direction and your very soul's immortal existence will cease to exist as will Father God. That is how important right now is in the terms of history! Do you want evil to win? Are you going to let evil win? ARE YOU GOING TO LET EVIL WIN? Stop judging your bother & sister as “bad” stop thinking you are more “entitled” to a perfect illusion than they are. It is JUDGMENT, it is this judgment that is evil, not skin color, religion or occupation. JUDGE NOT! JUDGE NOT!

The slavery you imagine did not happen to you, you are not old enough, stop living in an imagined past. But there is a different kind of slavery, mental slavery that is happening to you, because you are allowing it. Don’t allow it, stop looking backwards, and stay in the now. PLEASE Stay in the now!
For me to feel the way I do this morning makes me wonder what is happening out in the world today. PLEASE people it is an illusion. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! We really are all one. It is the only way we will continue to exist as souls.

Did you know that cancer is caused by self hatred?
Do you know what kills cancer patients?
It is not the cancer, any more than it is the snake bite that kills.
Once you are bitten you are bitten.
It is the venom within, the inability to rest from the nonstop pain.

The Lion is so tired.
Do you think we can we give hatred & fear a rest?
For the sake of ALL OUR SOULS!

I would like to offer a special “Thank you”, to
Lisa Robertson Milam for proof reading this page.
Thank you Lisa.