Health & Nutrition
There will be more to come and other pages.
For those of you who are on Facebook
But for now I wanted to share this.

A lot of light workers have been fooled into thinking that being a veterinarian is a good thing. This is not physical nor spiritual truth. While factory farms are NOT a good thing, and should be done away with as animals (or people for that matters) don't belong in "factories" traditional farming / ranching methods care for the animals they keep.
Another issue with light workers is that they are faced with depression. The main cause of depression is nutritional issues.

Mental Health Flyer References -
Does Our Diet Affect Our;
Mental and Emotional Health?
Relationship of diet to mood and cognitive health?
Low blood sugar hypoglycemia and anxiety, depression and anger,
Nutrient Deficiencies and Mental Illness?
The answer is "yes".

Violent Behavior: A Solution in Plain Sight - The brain and nervous system require specific nutrients to function properly, and the evidence is overwhelming that nutrient deficiencies can lead to aggression and violent behavior. Let’s start with the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D3 and K2, so important in the diet.
Heart of the Matter - The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 16.7 million deaths occur worldwide each year due to cardiovascular disease, and more than half of those deaths occur in developing countries where plant-based diets high in legumes and starches are eaten by the vast majority of the people.
Vitamin B12: Vital Nutrient for Good Health - Vitamin B12 works with folic acid in many body processes including synthesis of DNA, red blood cells and the insulation sheath (the myelin sheath) that surrounds nerve cells and facilitates the conduction of signals in the nervous system. Severe depletion manifests as pernicious anemia, which was invariably fatal until the discovery of B12 in liver. But long before anemia sets in, other conditions may manifest, most often neurological problems (numbness, pins and needles sensations, a burning feeling in the feet, shaking, muscle fatigue, sleep disorders, memory loss, irrational anger, impaired mental function and Alzheimer’s) or psychological conditions (dementia, depression, psychosis and obsessive-compulsive behavior).
Poor Reason to Go Vegan - It's the best way to avoid food poisoning. The safest and most sanitary foods of all, according to this line of thinking are processed and packaged goods, Market analyst Kathie Brownlie reveals in the online newsletter NutraIngredients “the market is driven by crises – and it did not exist a decade ago.”
Myths & Truths About Vegetarianism -
Meat consumption contributes to famine and depletes the Earth’s natural resources. - the truth is there would be less food available for the world to eat. Furthermore, the monoculture of grains and legumes, which is what would happen if animal husbandry were abandoned and the world relied exclusively on plant foods for its food, would rapidly deplete the soil and require the heavy use of artificial fertilizers, one ton of which requires ten tons of crude oil to produce.
The impact to our environment, a closer look reveals the great damage that exclusive and mass farming would do. British organic dairy farmer and researcher Mark Purdey wisely points out that if “veganic agricultural systems were to gain a foothold on the soil, then agrochemical use, soil erosion, cash cropping, prairie-scapes and ill health would escalate.”
- This was proven in Yellowstone Park when they eliminated all predators, the herbivores stripped the park and billions was spent on erosion control, the reintroduction of predators, to everyone's surprise healed the park.
Lose Your Veganity! - Vegans tend to come up deficient in vitamins A, D, K, B2, B6 and B12; the sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine, cysteine and taurine; DHA and EFA fatty acids; and calcium, zinc, carnitine and CoQ10. Although the human body is theoretically capable of converting beta carotene into true vitamin A and omega 3 fatty acids into DHA and EPA, few people are healthy enough to do so. Sunlight might produce sufficient vitamin D — provided we are naked and live in the topics!
Could It Be B12 - Sally Pacholok, RN, as a young nursing graduate diagnosed herself with vitamin B12 deficiency and pernicious anemia, Pacholok was astonished to discover a significant percentage of the patients she cared for exhibited unrecognized or misdiagnosed symptoms of B12 deficiency. Most of these patients were suffering from debilitating conditions that were not responding to the medications their doctors had prescribed for their incorrect diagnoses. Making matters worse, when Pacholok suggested that these patients’ B12 status be checked, most doctors were scornful or dismissive, in effect condemning many patients to steadily worsening health or even death.
Copper-Zinc Imbalance: Unrecognized Consequence of Plant-Based Diets and a Contributor to Chronic Fatigue - plant-based diets, and lighter diets generally, cause serious nutrient imbalances and long-term damage to digestion and cellular metabolism that are not easily corrected. Disruption of the copper-zinc ratio is an overlooked contributor to intractable fatigue that follows excessive reliance on a plant-based diet. The result is toxic accumulation of copper in tissues and critical depletion of zinc through excretion. This condition usually goes unrecognized because copper levels in the blood can remain normal. Also, most doctors are unprepared to meet with extreme zinc deficiency and its baffling effects on many systems of the body. Hair mineral analysis, competently used, is the tool which can unravel the complexities of this growing problem.
More from Weston A Price Foundation; on vegetarian & B12 deficiencies.

They said it was eatable and you could eat it. Not that it was food or that it was good for your health.
Click on the image for more information.