Some thoughts on emotional abuse:
I have run into a lot of people in the past couple of months who seem to have a misunderstanding about what emotional abuse is. I had to go do some research as well as speak with my angels about this because I wanted to be sure that I was correct before posting. But here are some facts about emotional abuse.
- Rebecca Avoni Blackstone
Emotional Abuse is:
1) Mockery
2) Insults
3) Belittling someone for their opinions/feelings/circumstances.
4) Intentionally using slurs, negative words, or stereotypes to hurt someone's feelings
5) Yelling, screaming, and otherwise being unnecessarily aggressive to force someone to back down.
6) Calling someone stupid, worthless, etc to force them to back down.
7) Ignoring someone who has a clear and present right to your attention (like a crying baby or an upset spouse)

Emotional Abuse is not:
1) Respectfully disagreeing with someone.
2) Backing up your own point with facts, research, or other data that disagrees with someone.
3) Stating that someone's opinion, actions, or situation makes you uncomfortable / upset / concerned.
4) Refusing to engage with someone who wants a fight or attention.
5) Telling someone they are wrong.
6) Refusing to listen to someone's opinions / position / ideas.
7) Refusing to share your own opinions / position / ideas
8) Saying no without explaining. (Example: not explaining why you are not interested in dating someone.)
9) Not being interested in a particular issue, situation, or circumstance.

Just thought I would share this because it might be helpful so some.
Always remember that if it is done with the intent to harm then it is probably abusive. And if it violates a pre-existing social or personal agreement then it is probably abusive. But otherwise, it probably is not.