On Healing Others
I CAN NOT stress this enough, BEFORE you do a healing on someone PLEASE SCAN THEM! Just because someone you paid to teach you how to heal, didn’t teach you this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn or do it.
Dark or low entities attach to chakras and they don’t like light healing energies so they will jump off one person and onto the next nearest person without their knowledge or consent.
Since most shields are intended to block dark energy, not low energy, those who are not dark, just low can pass right through your shields.

How to scan;
Use the bubbling springs chakra in your hand and – just as your printer scans papers - run your hand over the person past all the chakras and ‘feel’ for things that don’t belong there; do not send energy, 'feel' for places that are too hot or too cold. You will know when you have found an entity, a vampire’s cord or something out of balance / dis-ease.
Frequently on folks who “perform” in pubic, I find “dark hands” all over them, and they feel it, they know they are being “touched” and it usually creeps them out and it can give rise to paranoia. The average person may not be able to see these “hands” but they can sure feel it.

Just because you find something DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED TO ACT. Tell the person you are working on / with what you have found and ask what they want done with / about it. As in all relationships good communication is the key.

You may find cords attached, ask them if they want ALL cords cut or not? You don’t know they may have attached them to someone; such as their child for the purpose of protecting them; it’s after all how mamma’s “knows” when their baby is in danger and they may not want that cord cut. You can bet if you do cut it, it will reattach even if they say yes cut all cords because their intent is to watch over their child first and foremost.
You will know a vampire’s cord by how it pulses. The stronger the vampire the harder it will pulse.
If that cord is attached to a non-incarnated being, you will sense them at the end of it. And if you send “healing energy” into that person, the entity will jump off the person and onto someone else, maybe even you.
This may well be especially true if you are running their energy through you or using your energy to heal with. PLEASE don’t do either of those things, use God’s energy via a “grounding line”, not yours. And don’t run other people’s energy through you, I don’t care if your teacher taught you that, it is wrong and it is every dangerous. Keep in mind this is not about fear, it is about taking care of business.

Okay so now you have scanned your client. if you find a being attached to them, “capture it” in an energy bubble or if this feels “out of your league” ask the guides or Archangel Michael to capture it and carried off to where ever it belongs, so you don’t unintentionally hurt someone else.
Moving a being from one person to the next is not a good way to conduct a business. Folks will stop coming to you if every time they go to you something jumps onto them and they can’t get it off again.

You don’t need to know what a person is “suffering from” to heal them, it is really not your business what they have, as you are not allopathic surgeon.
You don’t need to “take on” any dis-ease to heal it, even if you can “shake it off” later, not always can you do that, sometimes their energy remains behind.
If you were taught to pull their “bad” energy into you, you were taught wrong and are doing the healing all wrong.

Truth is you do need not remove any “bad” energy from anyone, you are HEALER, heal it – transmute the energy. That is what happened to start with, it was “all good” and their poor decisions changed its vibration, so change it back. How do you know what needs healed? Any place or chakra which is either too hot or too cold; remember EVERY THING (that leaves no thing out) needs to be in “balance”, not at an extreme.

Here is the catch, if they don’t change their decision making process (or release the graven image that they hold onto that caused the dis-ease) it will only change back again. So it isn’t like you didn’t heal them, it is they who didn’t change their behavior.
This is the problem with allopathic medicine as well, the patient isn’t instructed to change their “bad” behavior, thus more and more drugs are needed. Sometimes even if they are instructed to do so, they are instructed incorrectly, or they don’t always choose to make said changes.
If a person doesn’t choose to make the correct choices, at that point you have two choices. Find out what it is they gain from being ill, and the number one thing folks gain from being ill is someone’s attention, and see if you can help them change that thought process.

If they don’t want to change, unless you want to keep dealing with the same drama issue over and over again never really accomplishing anything, don’t help them anymore because they clearly do not want healed. This will free up your time to help someone who wants and needs help.
If you want to see the same person over and over again, taking their money, and they not really get healed because they either don’t know to change or don’t want to change, I supposed that is your business but it isn’t really helping anyone, you or them.

Note if you do keep these folks who don’t want healed coming back to you again and again, you have to ask yourself “What do I have to gain from this”?
Are you a drama junkie? Are you feeding off the drama? If the answer is yes, you need to heal that in you.
Or is it because you “worship at the altar of caching”? If the answer is yes, you need to heal that in you. Keep in mind there are 7 billion people on this planet everyone of them needs healing. And even once one issue is healed, don’t worry the next lesson will come and needed healed too, keep in mind that there are only a few million healers to help them out. Healers need healed too, they are not immune from life lessons.

For those who don’t know to change, what it is they are facing / working with in their life, you need to speak with them. Keep in mind that everyone is perfectly capable of healing themselves, they just need someone who will listen – this is empathy is for – and to listen without judging them no matter what they have done – that is God’s Unconditional love for us.

Unconditional means just that, without any conditions attached. As an example; so many of you still judge folks, say things such as “abortion is evil”.
No abortion is not evil, it is a choice. Honest to God it is a choice we are allowed to make. Is it a good one? Maybe, maybe not. You are free to choose but not free of the consequence of that choice. But if God cared if you made that choice, He would not allow it.

When I inquired about that choice, Father says, “Nothing in the physical can harm the soul.” That is the last he will say on the subject. I had to go to Mother God to find out what that meant, He wouldn’t explain it, that was the answer, and that was the end of it.

God has no religion! He doesn't care what you believe.
So don’t judge someone just because they are not of the same religion as you. I do not care what you were taught, I don’t care what "the book" says, God says, “It does not matter. They are all equally correct and incorrect no matter how strange it seems to you.” End of subject.

The deal with religions is they are standing on the other side of God from you and see him from a different perspective. I have posted this many times in here. You need not change their nor your perspective, it is all good, every real & true religion teaches love. Love is all that exists. God is Love.

Remember EVERY THING (that leaves nothing out) needs to be in “balance”, not at an extreme. It is the extreme “cells” that cause issues, because they are out of balance. This is true if the cell is in the human body, or the body of God. YOUR JOB is to work to transmute the “dis-eased” energy. When it comes to “radical people” prayer works! Remember how I thought you how to pray? Use your gifts to transmute it into the desired direction.

Extreme “cell”, any one person of any thought (religion) can alter words or thoughts to mean what they want them to mean, this is the basis of suffering, to want things to be what they are not. This then leads to one to judge someone who sees things differently as “bad”. It is NOT our job to judge anyone for anything that they have done. God will take care of it, that is what the Law of Attraction is for – “equal weight & equal measure” Matthew 7:1 It is what it is.

In case you are not in The Indigo Healing House Facebook Group, are in the group but too new to have witnessed such events, or were not in the “sister” reading group (which is now closed down), when a brave soul comes into the light with their issues, what I have been trying to teach you, is to use empathy to connect to them. Offer compassion, different perspective and encouragement to help someone to heal them selves.

You don’t have to pay big bucks to learn any “healing modality” to do that. Just have not judge others when they need a ear to hear & a shoulder to cry upon, trust me the Law of Attraction is powerful.

Once whatever lesson is learned, Thank God for his Grace; compassion that alters the Law of Attraction, this causes the closing of old doors and opens a new door. Change is freighting, don’t judge it, and don’t judge yourself, for no matter who bad it seems, it is always for the Highest Good of you and others. That is why it is important to be grateful for what you have even when you feel you have nothing. Even though a door closed on you, doesn’t mean you have lost a good thing even if it was the only thing you had, it means something better is coming.

You must be cold for the moment that you take the old ratty coat off, so you can put a new one on.

Just because someone calls them self a “master” doesn’t make it so. FACT is real and true Masters are born, not made by taking a class from a human.
Chrystal & Rainbow children are born Masters, please don’t “teach” them wrong, they know what they are doing, leave them alone! Your job is protect & support these children, not alter them with your beliefs.