What is ego?
Self - Love
As with all things it should be ...
Not too much, Nor too little,
But in perfect balance.

And certainly not destroyed, as if one could destroy a part of God.

Just a little FYI;
When I was in the 3rd grade I asked my teacher why an inch was abbreviated as "in", foot was "ft", an ounce was "oz", a cup was "c", a pint was "pt", a quart was "qt" those pretty much made sense, but a pound was "lb" and not "pd". Why?
She called me stupid and told me to sit down. It took me 30 years to learn the
answer to that question and that is when I realized she not I was the stupid one.
Turns out "lb" is the aberration for libra not pound. Libra is the Latin word for
pound. That is why pound is abbreviated as "lb". I learned that from a medical
text book I found in a garage sale.
Now you know too. - I also learned
not to call children stuipd. Instead I
always say, "Lets look it up and we
both learn something."
Her ego was too great to admit she didn't know. In turn she made mine too little by insulting a child's ignorance rather than actually teaching us which is what she as paid to do.

Ego in balance means; doing what I want when I want to do it, as long as it harms no one else. Because we need to be sure to treat others as we wish to be treated, not how they treat us, but as we wish to be treated, after all we reap what we sow.
[Because of the above story, and many such other events in my school years, the "reaping" of that story was, I home schooled my children. We learned a lot of things, things I felt should have already known but was never taught, because we looked up all sorts of things just out of curiosity.]

Compassion (means the humane quality of understanding suffering) that you your self goes through. So what is not self-love? Berating your body, finances, relationships, actions, interests or any aspect of yourself or your life, as well as attachments to other people, places or things (consumerism, money). We are here on a journey to learn, don't judge it.

One can spout the words, but one’s inner thoughts and actions must be in synch with how one treats or thinks of one’s self. This is not about “should” projected by others, platitudes and pretend thoughts about how you think you should function. It is you discovering who you are. Address all your elements as the one being that it is. A way to check or know, the key being joy or happiness in every area of your life and every cell in your being. Many think you cannot be happy all the time. This is wrong as even that thought negates your happiness.

Your intent, your end goal, in this transition is ongoing happiness/joy is it not? Yet, you continue to believe it is not possible. An indicator you have not internalized self-love.
Self-love = happiness = self-love.

You are created perfect
you are enough!

This page is dedicated to Mama B. Woods.
Love and accept yourself
because you are so worth it!