Who is Satan?

Clearly God wants you to know something
since He wants it "proclaimed from the housetops".

What is so important about think? Not just any kind of thinking, but free will thinking. How can it make someone “dangerous”?

Because someone who thinks can not be controled.

Guess where bullying starts?
Religion & Governments are synonyms.
- Both have financial systems / banks/
- Taxes / tithes
- Neither tax the other.
- Both cause wars
- Both have armies to fight wars with
- Both have subjects that they control
-Both judge folks, especially women harshly.

Evil systems;
Take that which is not theirs to take, because it was not earned – taxes & tithes.
Manipulates through fear; demands you must behave in a certain way. Through false beliefs (doom & gloom) and law (in an attempt to force you to act aginst your God gift of free Will)
Divide people with judgments.

Religions / Governments
Before someone says, “My religion is not like that.”
Let me assure you, “Yes it is”. The essence of religion is you don’t think about it. In fact thinking about it is forbidden. You are expected to perform a certain way without thoughts. That is the essence of many rituals. Synonym of ritual is habit or routine, most often these are never thought about. (Several examples on this page, keep reading.)
- “Why do I do this thing” (such as hate someone)?
- “Why must I do it in the way?” Because they said so.
Ya, that’s nice. But why?
Out of compitition, fear, or control.

So what is evil?
Judgments, condemnation,
criticism, censure,

Fear (of judgments)
kills growth.
If you are not growing,
you are dying.
Judgment is an opinion,
criticism, or censure, it implies a power differential – I perceive myself to have power over you when I judge you. Judgment feeds the ego’s deception of being better (or worse) than someone or something else. Judgment assumes that the person judging has

the power and right to determine what is good or bad. Judgment also has a sense of finality, like a sentence being passed, and you find yourself feeling the pain of that condemnation days, years, decades or even eons later.
How can there be a power differential?

This is not about the
“blame game”.

Yes it is true that (religions / governments) divide and conquer men and women. Blaming someone other than our selves won’t fix anything because we allow that behavior.

Blaming is judgment
Time for a new paradigm!

I hear this all the time.
“We have to judge other wise …”
followed by any number of “excuses” as to why it is okay for them to judge some one or some thing as … unworthy.
NO. No, you do not.
Judgment – Discernment
two words that are
not interchangeable.
•Judgment is usually used against someone, or something someone does or has done.
•Discernment is discriminating between two thoughts or ideas.

If you are a slave to the thoughts of other men, you can’t serve God.
That is demonstrated here. Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get behind me Satan!”
Jesus was speaking to Peter.

If he was why would Jesus say,
“Peter you are the rock
I’ll build my church on”
and not even Hades will over power you?
Peter is (was) not Satan.
Notice what Jesus says.
“Your mind is not on God’s interests.”

Please take note Jesus said, "Peter I will build my church upon you".
Not his nemesis Paul the sales man / conartist.
You have all been had! Because you don't think, just follow.

Satan is not a being,
but a word that means “wrong thinking”.
Satanism is beliefs that are wrong.
Worse than that they are often thoughts that are “set in stone”.
Thus they are "graven images".

Why we should not create graven images.
•It has nothing to do with “because God said so.” The reason He said so is because stones wear down, they don’t grow.
•The Universe / God is all about growth & life and change, not death.

That is what Jesus meant.
These folks are stuck in their mindsets, their ways and they won’t change their minds any time soon. Let them go. Let them deal with issues of death. We are moving on to better more important things.
(to think on our own) is our birthright. We don’t need any man’s permission to think freely or be free.

Did you get that?
Satan is wrong thinking.
Free thinking is right thinking.
And all religons, governments and educational systems are set up so that you are told what to do, how to do it, and are not expected to question what you are told, just preform. Any one who does not go along to get along, is see as an "enemy" to be crushed.
"You are either for us or aginst us." - GWB
Do not dare be or think for yourself!
Satan get behind God's children,
you have no power here!
God says, "Be bold, be brave &
do not fear those who can only harm
(the illusion which is)
the body, but not the soul."
The (God gift of free will) choice is ours to make.

But we are told,
we must conform
& mistakes are bad.
If we don’t obey
we will be “disowned”.

Stop caring so much about what others think about you.
They don't breathe though your nose or walk in your shoes.

I’ve seen this again and again.
Folks become so DESPERATE for love, because they can’t love themselves. That in there desperation, they make some very bad choices in their “love” life & end up being neglected or
abused. Worse, they
seem to think that is
“normal”. No it is not.

It also causes folks to self mutilate, & to attempt / commit suicide.