Thou salt not have any "gods” before me.
Thou salt not have any Graven Images

Long ago, someone told me.
"If you want to hide something from the public, put it in a book."
Seems today that is more true than ever. Do you know what is worse than being unable to read? Being unwilling to read.
Readers think! We don’t want thinkers, much less free thinkers, then who would “control” them?
Everyone seems to be crying out for "anarchy", ya don't know what you are asking for and no one wants to read to find out.

Folks today "seem to think" that U-tube is a source for “scientific information”. No it is not, anyone can post there. If you want facts – READ A BOOK! Or at the very least learn to observe things for yourself and think freely!
It goes along with FREE THINKING.
One does not have to be a “scientist” to "discover" things. One doesn’t have to be told the sun rises in the east and sets in the west if one but observes it for themselves and PAYS ATTENTION to what is.
Don't just go along to get alone, do what others do just because "the masses" do it.

< This advice from the man who brought to America the current medical system, where the doctor is right and the patient is to be quite. Where as before Ben Franklin, the patient told the doctor what was wrong.
The Law of

Note; Where energy flows attention goes.
What does that mean? God's attention goes to where you are focused, what you are "praying" for, and He grants you your ever desire, "good" or "bad". Your focus not some "germ" affects your well being.

Here is the lesson;
Everything that is, is energy. Energy cycles, round and round, up and down. Energy has a High vibration and a low vibration.
Since nothing in the physical can “harm” the soul without its permission.
And since energy always starts in the spirit and flows to the physical.
Nothing “immunized” in the physical can “save” the soul’s body from dis-ease if the soul itself is a “train wreck”.

And if one “fears” dis-ease, the law of attraction will be sure to bring it to you, because all prayers negative and positive are answered for God loves you that much. He doesn’t care what you ask for, He just grants it, for it is all “good” to Him, and this is the way of things.
If the soul hates being incarnated for whatever reason be it social teaching or not. And the mind thinks “I hate myself” The outcome will be cancer. No amount of “cancer treatment” is going to “save” anyone.
Is it any wonder that cancer & heart dis-ease is so “epidemic” and the news is so full of negativity and fear there is a direct coloration!
Only a change in thought can really cure anything at all. Which is why you can “laugh your way into remission.”
It is why things like EMT or tapping works.
It is why folks who get vaccinated still get sick. “herd immunity” would only happen if everyone were happy.

Just in case you have not figured out what this “rant” is about. It is about vaccinations.
Just in case you have not figured it out, I am against them. I hope that I have "proven" why I think that they are "wrong". But what ever you free will choose to do, is up to you. it is very wrong to impose your views upon others by force.
Here is a question for you, a bit of “food for thought”. If vaccinations “prevented” illnesses, why are they so against other pro-health measures such as proper nutrition & vitamin / mineral supplements?

Ease or dis-ease
The choice is yours.

You are not aware of how the body performs its many involuntary functions. The conscious mind could not handle all of that data, but those functions perfectly mirror your consciously held ideas and beliefs,
How Vaccines Harm Child Brain Development
– Dr Russell Blaylock MD

Do not feel fear of dis-ease and you won't attract it to you. Your mind is far more powerful than you can imagine.

Okay so how about we try this again from a different prespective.
The “health food nut” when you look at the vast majority of them, they are in fact very sickly people. One wonders why? After all they are doing “everything right” are the not? Evidences suggests that clearly they are not.
And on the other hand there are folks who do “everything all wrong” they smoke like chimneys and drink like a bottom less pits yet they are perfectly healthy. Why is this so?
The answer lies not in “religion” but in INTENT.
Health food nuts eat “for the purpose of health” not understanding that health is a birth right, it is something that you start out with, even if you brought past life dis-ease issues into this world with you.
Again this is how the Law of Attraction works; when one “prays FOR rain” what they are doing is acknowledging the lack of rain. So what do they get? More lack of rain. When one eats for the purpose of "health" what one is acknowledging is the lack of heath. So what do they get? Lack of health.
When one vaccinates for fear of disease, what one gets is disease. Anything done in fear is a negative prayer. Everything you ask for, positive or negative, God says “yes” to He cares not what you want, it’s just an experience to be had a lesson to be learned.
It is not "punishement" it is a "yes" to that which you have asked for, even if you have no clue you are actually asking for it when what you think you are asking for is the oppoiste.
Now me and mine are rearly to almost never sick. Why? Because I see us as “healthy” already, that is our “birth right” we are born in health. I eat “good foods” because that is my choice to eat such. I eat not for “health” reasons, but because I enjoy eating. Honestly speaking I probably enjoy eating a bit too much. I don’t eat "for health", I eat by taste & smell, “bad” foods don ‘t taste or smell good to me. That is why I don’t drink or smoke it doesn’t smell good to me. Alcohol is after all “rotten”/ fermented ha, ha, ha though everything does have its place, I do use alcohols in tinctures and such, but I do not use them as “escapes” from reality.
I also don’t like fermented “rotten” milk (yogurt), cabbage (sauerkraut) or.fruit juices (vinegar) even though they are "good for you". Everything in ballance.
If you do not want dis-ease, you must keep your mind at ease. They body aligns itself with the place where the soul and the mind meet. When one moves out of alignment with the other dis-harmony arises then the body becomes dis-eased because it is only an indicator of the thought which the mind and spirit hold.

Next comment regarding car insurance. Back when it was your choice to buy it or not, I always thought it was a good idea. Now that it is mandatory, I see it as extortion, it is no different than the street thug that walks into a shop with a base ball bad and demands “protection payment”. The “protection” is from him beating you up himself, not someone doing it to you. Let’s face it, insurance companies rarely ever pay up, when they do there is always this high deductable limit that you must meet. Then the premiums go up so that they can make back what they had to pay you.
Thus you are far better off with a savings account, that way you at least could make some profit off the interest, and if you never use the money for “accidents” you still have it, it’s still yours.
We really do need to learn to be response-able enough to take care of ourselves and not give away our powers by depending upon some outside others to “take care of us” as if we needed it. I don’t know about you but I’m not a baby I can and will take care of myself. Thank you.

- The Crystalline Gate Lion
Brings the Message from
God the Father of all things seen and unseen;
I AM, My Will, I say, Understand (that), I Feel, Love, I see you.