Someone asked “What is the difference between FEELINGS and EMOTIONS?”
The questionnaire stated that, “Gregg Braden stated that in order to manifest what we desire, we must line up our thoughts, emotions & feelings.” The person asking, thought emotions and feelings were one and the same, they are not.

Feelings & Emotions
What is the differance
between the two?
You choose how to feel - varying degrees on a pole between love on one end & fear (which doesn't exist) on the other.
Emotions are chemical responses you have in your body in response to a chosen / given thought. Emotions are meant to be "signs" that tell you what to do within yourself, not bull nose rings to be drug around by external others.
If the emotion 'feels' good, great keep doing it. But if the emotion 'feels' bad, then you need to change that thought and learn to accept what is rather than trying to change things you have no control over.


The Killer of Manifestation
One of the biggest "killer" of manifestation, women are far more to do this then men, is to walk around saying things like "I'm sorry".
I am starts the law of attraction into motion. Sorry means "worthless" or "having no value".
No aspect of God is unworthy of Love, because God is LOVE!
Everything else is an opinion that society has taught us to take away our power by those who have scarcity mind set. For them there is NEVER enough so they feel the need to take yours tooIs.
Guess what mind set politicians have?

Be Responsible for your Feelings
We have a thought – “I want and need a new car.”
The emotional excitement is, “We would LOVE to have a new car!” But if we feel unworthy or undeserving of the new car and can’t accept it when it is offered to us by the Universe; < That is the feeling kills manifestation of the car and why you won't be very likely to get one any time soon no matter how bad you "need" it, this is NOT the fault of the Universe / God, it's yours, There is no "punishment" involved in this.
Responsibility means being able to respond to something when it happens rather than reacting to what happens.
Feelings are not emotions that "happen" to you, they are reactions you choose to have that show up in your physical body, to the thoughts you hold dearest.
They are not a bull nose ring to be drug around by, but a sign posts that tells you which way to go, or not to go. Thus if a thought "feels" bad to you, you know it is time to change your thought processes becoming unattached to the ideas of how you think or would like things to be and accepting of what is.
If some thing feels good you know it is okay to enjoy it, as long as you harm no other aspect of God.
Listen carefully to the nursery rhyme: Row, row, row, Your Boat,
It will teach you everything you need to know about life.
Row, row, row, Your Boat, Gently Down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a Dream.
Do what?
Row your own boat, not someone else's.
Now is the only time there is.
Down the stream with the current,
not up stream against the current imposing your will on life and how you think it should be.
Because Life is only a dream!
Triskaidekaphobia a word coined in 1911 that means “fear of the number 13”.
How did the number 13, such a sacred feminine number; that stands for “transformation” and reminds us to accept the changes and opportunities that will ultimately expand our personal growth become so unluckly?
Some say it was merely a clerical error on one of the world’s oldest legal documents.
Some say it’s because it numerically sits next to what mathematicians and scientists consider a “perfect” number—12.
Personally I think it has everything to do with King Philip, whom pressured Pope Clement to issue the bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets at dawn on Friday, October 13, 1307. Scores of French Templars simultaneously arrested, tortured and murdered, because King Philip feared their financial power since he was deeply in debited to them.
It is said that Taylor Swift writes the number 13 on her hand whenever she performs. According to the popular singer, “I was born on the 13th. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My first album went gold in 13 weeks. My first #1 song had a 13-second intro. And every time I’ve won an award I’ve been seated in either the 13th seat, the 13th row, the 13th section or row M, which is the 13th letter.”
Clearly it is not unlucky for her. Nor has it ever been unlucky for me.
So unless you are a Night Templar living in France, pn Friday, October 13, 1307 I think it is safe to say that 13 is NOT an unlucky number after all.
Know and understand why you fear something, fear for the sake of fear is silly.
Holding Space for Someone

When people are learning, growing, or going through grief or transition, they are bound to make some mistakes along the way. When we hold space for them withhold judgment or shame we offer them the opportunity to reach inside themselves to find the courage to take risks and the resilience to keep going even when they fail. When we let them know that failure is simply a part of the journey and not the end of the world, they’ll spend less time beating themselves up for it and more time learning from their mistakes.
To truly support another’s growth, we need to keep our egos out of it and create the space where they have the opportunity to grow and learn. Someone else’s success is not dependent on our intervention. Nor does their failure reflect poorly on us. Nor does that whatever emotions they choose to unload on us are about us instead of them.
Don’t take another person’s power away. When we take decision-making power out of people’s hands, we leave them feeling useless and incompetent. They are perfectly capable of making their own choices, this includes (to a degree) children. To feel empowered one needs to be able to make their own choices and be supported in those choices even if it isn’t the choice we would make.
There is never a need to direct or control another.
Don’t give more information than a person can handle, only as much as needed because too much information leaves folks feeling over whelmed and feeling incompetent. [Trying to teach someone ride a bike before they can stand and walk is useless information.] Yet give guidance and help with humility and thoughtfulness, taking care of the things that they are not able to do for themselves offering a hand until they are able to do for themselves.
Give people permission to trust their own intuition and wisdom, we don’t need to do things according to some arbitrary protocol, “go by the book”, or follow “the law” because it is mandated, we simply needed to trust our intuition and accumulated wisdom from the many years we’d lived and loved.

Creating a circle of friends. The circle becomes the space where people feel safe enough to fall apart a wise space holder knows when to withhold guidance and when to offer it gently. And create a “container” for complex emotions, fear, trauma, etc. When people feel that they are held in a deeper way than they are used to, they feel safe enough to allow complex emotions to surface that might normally remain hidden. Someone who is practiced at holding space knows that this can happen and will be prepared to hold it in a gentle, supportive, and nonjudgmental way. This is done by showing up with tenderness, compassion, and confidence as it earns trust.
The space holding circle then becomes the place where people feel safe enough to fall apart without fearing that this will leave them permanently broken or that they will be shamed by others. Someone is always there to offer strength and courage. We cannot hold space if we ourselves are overly emotional, or if we haven’t done the hard work of looking into our own shadow, or if we don’t trust the people we are holding space for.
Allow others to make different decisions and to have different experiences than we would choose to have. Holding space is about respecting each person’s differences and recognizing that those differences may lead them to make choices based on cultural norms that we can’t understand from within our own experience. When we hold space, we release control and we honor differences. Holding space is a complex practice that evolves as we practice it, and it is unique to each person and each situation.
What color is an apple?

Red, reddish, stripped, two toned, green or golden.
Are you sure?
Well on the surface yes an apple can be,
red, reddish, stripped, two toned, green or golden.
But that is just on the surface, deeper inside ...
What color is an apple?

Regardless of exterior colorations, they are all white inside.
One could say the same of humans as well.

Our souls are made of white light.

What does "namaste" mean?

Are you sure?
Have you looked beneath the skin?

It means.
“Because I can love myself unconditionally ,
I can love you unconditionally.”

Golden Rule / Law of Prophets means.
“Treat others as you WANT treated,
Not how they treat you,
How you want treated.”

Maybe you do!
What if your body was / is
your own small island country in the ocean of the Universe?
Do you abide by your own rules?
Treat yourself well.