Society has a nasty habit
of teaching
double standards.

Confusing Double Standards.
We are taught it is good to share, and it is bad to accept out of fear.

I was in a laundry mat the other day, where a really nice man was eating Doritos and a little boy maybe 4 was eating candy. The boy offered the man a piece of candy, and the man offered him a chip in exchange.
The grandmother got all over the man for offering the child food. And she chastised the child for considering taking it from him. "Don't take food from strangers".
What about offering to share with them? That was what the man and the boy were both doing. Why the double standards?
What do you think she will do on Halloween? What do you bet she will make sure her grand children be first in line to receive candy from strangers?
Maybe she thinks it okay if you are in a costume and no one knows who you are? Don't think that will matter to anyone who wishes to harm you.

Maybe even rushes her grandchildren to Easter egg hunts for candy from strangers too!
Maybe she even stands in free "food lines" for free food from strangers.
How is any of these thoughts different?
Know what I found stranger than that?
The grandmother was okay with the man's wife offering the child a dryer sheet because she said, "It was not food."
Dryer sheets are highly toxic even when used as dryer sheets! The are meant to work the exact same way medical patches do on your body. Slowly "medicate" you with toxins. Just check out all the neat things you can do with dryer sheets and you will know this is so; remove bugs from wind shied. scrub pots and pans with stuck-on food, remove gunk from your dryer drum and iron. And yet they can leave stains on your clothing. Was she sure that the child knew better than to put it in his mouth?
Doritos may or may not be good for you, but they are meant to be eaten and the man was eating them. He was not offering anything to the child which he himself was not willing to consume.
The mother and grandmother was right there - the man and his wife was right there as well as their laundry.
Maybe we need to stop making choices based on fear.
And blaming outside others for our own choices.
Do you know what the sad truth is? We are far more likely to be hurt not by a stranger, but by someone we know; parent, close relative, teacher, preacher, "friend", etc. because the sad truth is, they have something to gain from it.

When filled with the opinions of other people.