All Is One
The word chakra is Sanskrit it means "circle," or “wheel” of energy. These are the Seven Main Chakras, there are many, many more, but these are the ones most folks focuse on and work with.

Jewish Tree of Life

Each and every acupuncture / acupressure point is a chakra. The Meridian lines are just as important as the chakras as far as keeping them clean goes. Should they become blocked, energy stops flowing and a state of dis-ease ensues.

The human body is just exactly like a stream. If it becomes blocked up, pools of stagnent energy form and there it the body of energy / water falls into a state of dis-ease. Keep in mind tha the body is 78 percent water. So it is very important to keep the energy flowing.
This is where the seven main chakras are located on the human body.
Every body (including the Earth, has chakras.

There is no such thing as "judgment day" YOU are the "judge" and your body pays the price. When you become afraid, feel guilty or ashamed about something you did, fall into a state of greif, or lie, have attachments to things that are not, you block up your energy centerts. To heal, learn the lesson and forgive yourself and others. life is a school we are here to learn and grow.

Many of our issues, the things that cause us the most grief are taught to us by society, teachers, and parents. Religious & political events cause us to fall into a state of fear. There is nothing to fear. Fear is an illusion. Don't hold a grudge against them, they thought it was true and were sharing their knowledge with you, they didn’t know any better. Others tell lies to create illusions to cause you to fall into a state of fear. Do not worry they will pay the price for that. Everything one puts out comes back to them 3 times fold. In the end everyone always does the best that they can, always. Do not feel guilt or shame because you didn't know something we are here to learn. Don’t hold attachments to anything, as that causes stagnation.

Both rods belong to deities and associated with healing and medicine. This symbol has continued to be used in modern times, where it is associated with medicine and health care

This is The Rod of Asclepius. It is a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, .

This a is the healing staff called Caduceus of the god Mercury (Roman) it is also called the Karykeion of god Hermes (Greek).
One morning I was 'playing with' chakras, in the Library on the other side. Messing with them seeing what I could do with them and all of a sudden I 'saw' THE ROD OF ASCLEPIUS appear before me! I was so excited, I jerked awake. Sigh It took me a while to figure it all out again.
While I was playing with the chakras I was thinking about how things skipped generations. A great great grand mother - grandmother - grand child would all be alike. And a great grand mother and the mother would be alike. So random thought I started putting the chakras together in that alternating order. And bang it happened again.
So it is in one, skip one, in one, skip one, start over skip one, in one, skip one. Heart, skip throat, 3rd eye. I attached the heart chakra to the 3rd eye. Throat, skip 3rd eye, crown. I attached the throat to the crown. BANG there it was again the Rod of Asclepius!
The rod is the spine. The snake touches the spine on opposites sides of the rod. When you go up one side of the rod, It doesn’t touch every chakra connectively, it starts at the bottom and skips one.
I know that nothing in the Universe is flat. I know nothing in the Universe is seperated.
I know that the rod of Asclepius is associated with healing. So what does it mean?

Let God's Will Be done!
1, 3, 5, 7 I am, I do, I speak (creates), I understand.= I am – My, I do – Will, I speak – speak (creation), Understanding.=It is My Will that you Understand
2 – I Feel, 4th – Heart (Love), 3rd eye – sees you.= I feel, love, I see you.=I love you!
That is what the Charkas say; 1,3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6!
The Rod of Asclepius appeared when I got; “It is My Will that you Understand, I LOVE YOU!”
The Rod of Asclepius is a healing rod. How do we heal? With Love. What is God’s Will? He wants us to understand that He loves us all! Talk about being smacked up side the head with a big stick (pun intended), or God smacked. LOL God is Love, all things heal with love
God's Will is for us to UNDERSAND He loves us all!
What is God's will?
For us to understand that
That folks is the purpose of the staffs.

How could we have gotten so wrong? One religion better than another? No. "Chosen people? No.
God Loves each and every single one of us. I just proved that to you!
Love your neighbor as I have loved you. Love each other as as you love yourself.
Trouble is we don't love ourselves, we have been taught that it is wrong, that we are sinners.
Look again!
We have been lied too so much.
Could it be that the snake was not "evil" or the "devil" but instead it was a healing rod,
A symbol that God loves us no matter what, UNCONDITIONALLY? .
He says "Yes" to our every request.
He does not care what we choose to do, thus the Gift of Free Will. There is a price for everything we choose to do, but we can do it. This world after all is a illusionary class room. How can we believe we are unworhty of God's love?

I ask again. How can we believe we are unworhty of God's love?
He allows us to do anything in our play ground, knowing full well while we scare ourselves silly, we can't be hurt because it is all an illuion! We are here to learn.
How can you understand what light is if you don't know what darkness is?
How can you understand what Love is if you don't know what fear is?
How can we get it right if we never get it wrong?
God's is alive and well.
His will is
for us to understand that

If that is not healing, then what could ever be?
This world is an illusion, nothing is real. If you can't find a door, turn on your light. Pull back the curtains and find a window.
If you already knew all the answers what would be the point in going to school? Life is a school, we come her to learn. Thoughts are the treasures that we come here to collect and store in Heaven.
Thus God encourages us to make mistakes. We are co-creators that can create whatever we like. We love to scare ourselves silly. Graduation is at hand, it is time we remember who we really are. To know we are and always was worthy of love.

If you had a map or instruction guide to follow you would be less likely to make mistakes, but what would you learn?
There is no such thing as right or wrong, Either something is or it is not. To wish or long for something that is not causes us to suffer needlessly.
If we do the same things over and over again in the same way, expecting different results, is the definition of insanity.
Thus all we need to do is to change our minds, remember that progress would be impossible if we did things the way we always have.

Here are some affirmations to help free the chakras.

Note how things "over lap"
There is no right or wrong, only duality!
Two halves that make All One.

Colors & their meanings;
White – protection, peace, purification, chastity, Happiness, Halting Gossip, Spirituality.
Green – healing, money, prosperity, luck, fertility, beauty, employment, youth
Pink - emotional Love, fidelity, friendships
Red – lust, strength, courage, power, sexual potency
Yellow – divination, psychic powers, mental powers, wisdom, visions.
Brown – healing animals, the home
Purple - power, exorcism, healing
Blue – Healing, sleep, peace
Orange - legal matters, success