The Farmer is the producer of wealth.
The farmer is the magician when it comes to creating wealth, He can take one kernel of corn, and in 55 - 100 days create one or two ears with 700 kernels of corn each as if by magic.

East India Company
Long before Columbus, the Greeks knew the Earth was a sphere, long before midlevel mapmakers surmised as much. When Magellan circumnavigated the Earth and it was perceived as finite and it's resources limited.
In 1600 AD Queen Elizabeth founded the East India Company for the purpose of plundering the plant, this was called “The right of conquest”.
The East India Company founded the Haileybury College, which was called upon to to take inventory of the planet and it's resources, the man in charge, Thomas Robert Mathus. Mathus' theory was “the planet would be overtaxed with population, there for some life was superfluous.” He was soon followed by Charles Darwin, who argued, “Survival of the fittest”, & “The fittest had he Divine right to survive.”
England pronounced expendable any population they could bully and they rarely fought an enemy that wore shoes. The American colonies were the exception.
1699 the English Parliament decreed that no wool, yarn, or cloth or manufactures plantation in America shall be shipped by sail from any plantation to sent to any place whatsoever under penalty of forfeiting both ship and cargo and a heavy find accompanying each offence. This created a monopoly belonging to a few approved traders.
Lord Brougham told the House of Commons in 1816, “It is worthwhile to stifle in the cradle those infant manufactures in the United States.”

The cause of the Revolutionary War
In Europe the farmer was a peasant or serf. In America he was a free holder, farmer. Still the farmer produces only raw materials, it takes the manufactures to add value, but the Kings corporation did not permit this profitable enterprise. The cause of the Revolutionary war was free trade or a lack of tariffs on imported goods. Without tariffs foreign nations poured their products of every kind in such quantities and at slave wage prices that the people of American could not compete. The domestic industries were suspended; the weaver, shoemaker, hatter, saddler, rope maker, and the farmer was reduced to bankruptcy due to the markets being glutted with foreign goods.
So before accepting command of the Continental Army, George Washington tallied his receipts for tobacco sent to England and watched with disbelief as his debts mounted. In Massachusetts one third of the people joined Shay's rebellion due to poverty and distress visited upon them by free trade. In Connecticut 500 farms were seized for taxes with the owners being too poor to pay and there was no market for real estate. Debtors were compelled to sell their land, and men didn't trust each other, they were all ruined.
Had there been no free trade, there would never been no inundation of foreign good, no drain of specie (coined money), no lack of circulating medium, no disaster, and no insurrection. But ruin came to the people and free trade was the destruction engine. Without business in domestic trade, labor fell idle, without earnings, property declined in value and became worthless.

So the very first act of the very first Congress on July 4, 1789, was a tariff. Most of Congress was (not lawyers as is today) but farmers. Their safety and interest required the nation to promote the manufacturing they needed for self-sufficiently. Otherwise they would surrender their independence and sovereignty.

~ President Andrew Jackson
From George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison … Abraham Lincoln ... all the way down to Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft agreed with the American System. Till the edge of the Wilson administration in 1910-1914 Agriculture become more extensive and prosperous. Many new industries sprang up. The merchant navy was revived and multiplied. All branches of domestic trade were made prosperous. Revenues became sufficient to pay the expenses of the government, the whole county was on the right road to wealth and prosperity.

Free Trade
In 1812-1816 Richard Cobden of England conjured up the fantasy that free trade would end poverty. The scheme was sold on the basis that people could increase their comfort by buying cheaper from foreigners. So by sleight of hand the “cure of poverty”, increased poverty.
From Jackson to Wilson administrations it was a case of the south linking arms with the north and tariff protection was removed in 1833 free trade prevailed again and a new word entered the American vocabulary, “Panic!”
Protection returned in 1842 and the financial gloom disappeared as if by magic. Businesses recovered and there was full employment and an improved market.

In 1844 Democratic party embraced free trade saying “You are taxing the poor man and his labor. There is the desire to revel and delight in taking away a man's employment. Tariffs are not a bill for the people or the masses. It's not a bill to add comfort of those in the middle class or the poor. It is not the bill for employment.” James K Polk the democratic candidate prevailed and the meaning of “free trade” came in clear once again.

In 1913 the Wilson administration truly compromised the American System and an income tax replaced trade tariffs. The Federal Reserve to accommodate the internationalist with a Foundation Law to protect the super-rich and the emasculating of the Senate so that power money could do the electing – dismantling of the Consecution.
When England, France, Holland and Italy become involved in WWI against the central powers, the international bankers, (J.P Morgan & Co of America, the Rothschilds of England and other international bankers and their associates) were called upon to loan $15 billion in American money. At the time $15 billion was an unheard of sum of money.
By summer of 1916 it became clear the Allies would lose the war and the central powers would be victorious. In the same year Wilson was elected with great rejoicing that the US would stay out of the war. But that didn't happen, and when the US entered the war and in addition to the great loss of wealth, human life and suffering, the US was called upon to loan an additional $15 billion from public treasury to the same European countries who could not pay the debt they already had.
After the war the International bankers looked over the world and knew that the naked and hungry Europeans could not pay it's debt so it turned it's eyes to the America tax payer.
In 1919 while Mr Wilson was still President all the newspapers with one accord started printing, “Europe pay US what you owe!” it was a very popular cry, but no one explained who the “US” was and the taxpayer thought it was him. No one explained that the taxpayer would be better off to forgive the debt than collect it. And that collecting a debt here was vastly different than collecting a debt from a foreign country, so the taxpayer fell for the trap.

The United States had NO need for foreign goods, our factories were capable of making all that we needed. And our farms were capable of producing all the food, fiber and feed we needed. Our labor supply was adequate for every purpose and our economy had become adjusted to a high level of prices and volume. We enjoyed the best economical experience of our history. No body was being hurt, except the international bankers who had loaned their money to Europe.

So for a period of 11 years between 1919 – 1929, The US lowered tariffs and started importing goods, merchandise and commodities to collect the war debt. The American economic set up was wrecked by these wild imports and Mr Coolidge being a student of international economy said, “I do not choose to run.”

Mr Hoover came into office he inherited a train wreck that was about to blow up in his face. There was $45 billion worth of foreign goods being imported tariff free which caused industries here to close down, and unemployment was at an all time high at 12 million strong. The American farmer was faced with crops he could not sale.

When Hoover took office March 1929 he passed an Executive Order declaring a moratorium on the collection of the war debt. But one thing Mr. Hoover overlooked was that England, France, Holland & Italy had $3.5 billion credit left subject to draft and we could not spare $3.5 billion worth of gold and silver and still maintain the legal gold reserve. When the gold supply was depleted the banks looked to their deposits and took those, but it was still not enough with which to pay. So they unloaded stocks & bonds and this crashed the stock markets on Oct 1929, but the international bankers got their money.

The Gutting of Germany
The official peace conference began in late January. President Wilson & German Chancellor signed an armistice, the negotiations ended in peace agreement binding on both sides and the Germans would pay what amounted to one fourth the sum fixed by the London Ultimatum...

However concealed from the President a food blockade was well underway and by the end of March the German government asked under what terms would the blockade be lifted. In a conference in Brussels fixed the terms, German delved up all the gold in the Reichsbank and all negotiable securities and accepted the obligation to pay reparations in an indefinite sum for an indefinite future to be fixed by her conquerors. In return she would receive a fixed quantity of grain and food stuffs in her ports for a definite number of months. Germany carried out her part of the agreement but the peace conference did not. No food was shipped or allowed to dock at German ports till June 28, 1919.

A fabrication of historical financial and economic fact was necessary to sale to the American public the bulk of the German reparation in the form of bonds. The hypnotic trance of political college professors have lived … enabled the international finances to use their voices and keep the political deception alive. The intention of the Treaty of Versailles was that American investors would buy these bonds and pay the German indemnity to the allied states in cash.

So what caused the Great Depression?
The Federal Reserve lent so much money that they broke the system.

Excerpts from - Unforgiven … the American Economic System SOLD for debt & war by Charles Walters of AcresUSA