The past week has been very intense for me, with information just pouring through. If you have not read the following pages, you need to. This page is built upon them, these are steps.
[The Power of Words] 99%
[Home] Questions and Answers about God
[Life Lessons] True Light Workers are Encouragers
[Emotions & Feelings] There is so much violence in the world today.
Warning graphic images on this page, but if you make it to the bottom you will learn something. (Feelings & Emotions) Life at all cost
[Life lessons] What is true evil?
[Life Lesson] Where it is at.
Note; if you read this and get one meaning,
then come back and read it and get another,
Or if you get one meaning and someone else gets another
positive meaning from this,
please don't fight over it,
it was intended that way.
[This is long, those with slower net connection, apologies,
I'll make a page just for you - shorter version
as this is important.]
Another thing I want to say is,
The Indigo Healing House is NOT a part of the New Age religion.
One of the things the New Age movement teaches is you need to
Destroy the ego

That is false and I will prove it.
It is my observation the whole problem with the world today is destroyed egos.

How many of you treat yourself like this?
It tastes good, but doesn't feel good.
Whip yourself for mistakes you have made.
Hurt others for the mistakes you think they might have made or for not following "Your rules"
Judge them for it, even if it was not their intent to hurt you.

Then we pass it on down the line. Shit just flows down hill. All this stems from the belief of separation and this gives rise for the need for competition. Since we are not one I need to be better than you.
One generation after another, around and around it goes. Where it stops no one knows.
In their innocence and ignorance you judge & punish them too.

Don't yell
at them.

No one has to, stop copping an attitude. Just because someone was mean to you doesn't mean you have to pass it on, it's not a disease, refuse the thought gift and toss it into the trash can and leave it there. Two wrongs do not make a right! Learn to treat others not as they treat you but as you wish to be treated.

This is true even if it is a "religious law".

Once again...
Don't judge it as "bad".

Yes it is hard here on Earth, but every single one of us were choosen to come here because we are among the best of the best in the entire Universe. We are the ones most likely to survive encounters with real evil. Yes we take damage when we come, but we are strong enough to survive it and that is what makes us who we are.

This is important! ^^^
The Leading Edge of Thought.
Remember what Gravin Images are?
Do you know why it is important not to have them?
Do you know what your "treasures" are?
They are both thoughts.
When thoughts stop, growth stops.
Do you knnow the best way to stop a thougth?
It is to make folks afraid of messing up,
of making a mistake, and being judged for having done so.
That is why we are told to "Judge not".
When thought stop, our immortality also stops because God stops being.
There is a war on!
He needs us to think to be creative.
In case you haven't guessed it yet, that doesn't mean have babies.
It means to think lots of thoughts.

Opinions are not facts, not anyone’s truth. Do not judge others, nor accept the judgment of others. God judges no one, men do all the judging. God said, "Judge not", because the truth is God makes NO mistakes therefore it is impossible for you to make them, thus all judgments against us is false. It is only a means by which the weak rule over the strong when we agree with them. Don't agree!

Also see;
Ego page 2
Edging God Out