First I want to give you some back ground because for me personally I understand things better and can come up with solutions easier when I understand why they are the way that they are.
Someone told me that it all has to do with some speach that William Lynch gave in 1712. But when I did the research it appears that there was no William Lynch in 1712, it is an innernet hoax.

So says the
Even if there was no William Lynch speach in Virgina Colony, or slave holders being taught ... what is said is very real for everyone. So I am going to work with it.
That said,

And I am calling this
"Lynch’s fear"
But first let us take a look at this hoax from different perspectives.

Evil has no true power on its own. It asks you to believe that which is not so, and you offer up your beliefs.
Whomever come up with this was one “clever” individual the words are an act of pure manipulation.
Because the name "Lynch" because synonymous with being lynched, hung by one's neck till dead, anyone who allows fear to grasp their belief usually feels “hung” in some way.
Remember YOU are the gate keeper to your mind!
I often tell folks, you mistake darkness for evil. Darkness is a part of God, evil is not. Most folks don’t know what true evil is as they have never encountered it. Just because something is judged to be “wrong”, “bad” or “evil” doesn’t make it so it is only darkness. Murder is not evil, is simply darkness a way to go home when our time in our holographic school is up. It’s just an experience the soul want to go through as it can only happen in the physical, as the soul is immortal it doesn’t know what death is.

This is how I read “Willie Lynch letter: The Making of a Slave.”
I am going to break this down and then show you what I "see".
What this looks like.
I am going to do it out of order.
Mostly because this 'feels' out of order to me.
And I am going to do it by asking quesitons.
Because that is what a thinker does.
Question everything.

"Accordingly, both a wild horse and a wild or natur[al] PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS even if captured, for they will have the tendency to seek their customary freedom and, in doing so, MIGHT KILL YOU in your sleep. YOU CAN NOT REST. … They are DANGEROUS".
First the manipulation - fear is preached to the "listeners" & they are taught how to teach fear to those whom they wish to instilled fear into.
It is fear not hatred that is the opposite of Love.

This is actually how the government behaves. How it teaches it's "minions" to act as well, that is as if "people are dangerous" so they always respond from a place of fear rather then from one of love and assistance.

What makes a person dangerous
to a person filled with fear?

How do you control "dangerous people"?
You manipulate them with lies.

"To Control a Slave"
"Outline a number of differences among / between them.
Take these differences and make them bigger. Use fear, distrust and envy for control purposes. Use intelligence, physical size and strength, height, sex, kind type or color of hair, if it is long or short, shade of skin, age. Size of home, where the home is, on the hill or in the valley, in the east, west, north or south. Status at work, income, attitudes of bosses.
Distrust is stronger than trust and envy is stronger than adulation, respect or admiration, after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for hundreds."

What does "divide and conquer" look like?
It looks like this, this and this.
As well as negelct, abuse and war.

"You must keep your eye and thoughts on the female and the offspring. Special and particular attention must be paid to the female, concentrate on the future generation. If you break the FEMALE mother, she will BREAK the offspring in its early years of development; and when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process."

It is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. They must love, respect and trust only us, never miss an opportunity. If used intensely for one year, they will remain perpetually distrustful.
create profits!
Must be
taught to respond to a peculiar new language.

Now we know what the problem is.
What is the solution?
Not necessarily in this order

The ability to think for oneself.

Love is
the absence of judgment.

Self Love & Self Acceptance.

Discipline & Response-ability
Ownership of an issue, grants the ability to respond to it, rather than re-act to it.

Honesty & Integrity

A wisdom that considers all things, all religions, all viewpoints. Openness to the world view without judgment. Divine truth. Nothing is completely black or white. All things must be considered equally.

Practice Living by the Golden Rule /
Law of the Prophets.
Treat others as you with to be treated.
NOT how they treat you.
How you wish to be treated.
& Empathy
see - under
"Energy Working".

Don't buy the fear.