In the web page that is linked above to the title I found this image.

Below the image it says, "Bind-Rune with all 24 runes in 1 mark"
Curious I checked it out and I was shocked to see that it was so.

I had often wondered where Runes had came from, they seemed so "disconnected" from everything else. I knew that was NOT how the Universe worked, after all;
How could they possibly be disconnected? While looking at the image above, I thought I saw something else. So with curiosity still strong, I rotated it sideways 90 degrees I saw many other things as well. Once I saw one, they started flooding in ... I soon felt over whelmed by it all, I have no clue how to even start to fill you in. So I am going to just toss it all out here, attach the web pages, and you can put it all together for yourself.
Always do your own research!

First thing that pops out is The Star of David
Merkabah Star

I was sure I also saw the tree of life (on left) and the Egyptian version (on the right) which includes the plants in our solar system.
I also knew that the tree of life and the chakras corresponded with each other. Don't for get the Kundalini Serpent.

Which takes us to Adam & Eve and their supposed sin. But was it really a sin? Is that really what this represents? I don't think so. One day while I was playing with the Chakras, the Rod of Asclepius / Healing Staff appeared and I got this message
"Understand that it is my will you know that I love you."
That is hardly a lack of love, which is what a sin is.
How does one heal? By knowing one is loved.

Oddly enough when one looks at the snake / staff what one is reminded of is the "$".
I wonder if that is an indication of the "availability of abundance".
Years ago I ran into Dr Olree's work, Minerals for the Genetic Code. Which was published by Charles Walters of AcresUSA. Dr Orlee says that the spine, trace minerals, amino acids, hours in the day and I ching are all connected.
Here are his charts. Looing for the charts I found
I Ching & DNA/ RNA,
elements & minerals.

There are connections to animals, musical notes, colors, and crystals, body parts, and even to
dis-eases, to name a few.
Duality Process:
DNA is the blueprint which tells the cells how to create proteins. RNA is the reverse copy of DNA which carries out DNA’s instructions for protein production.

Ruins & Tree of life Tarot & Tree of life I Ching and tree of life
James Rioux has doen a lot of work, he went and put it all together for you. Please go check out these wonderful pages.