Why Are We Here?
Lets start at the beginning just in case this is the first page you read.
The Universe is warm loving energy and light. These things are the ONLY things that really exist, nothing else we know or think we know exists or is real.
So ... how does the Universe come to understand itself?

Out of the entire Universe, this world and two other near-by worlds are behind veils.
(No, I don’t know their names, it's irrelevant.)
If you know what a veil is (yes like the kind brides ware over their faces) you know that when you shine light through it, shadows are cast very much like this meem below shows (which is why I put it here). This “shadow casting” creates a very unique circumstances, that souls incarnate on these three worlds to experience.

So why are we here? To experience things that don’t other wise exist, so we can come to understand who and what we really are. As the veil creates a very unique perspective on things.

While I am well aware that this place is very difficult place to be, to the point is seems like “hell” most days, understand a few things.

Everything here is an illusion created by the veil. “Good” & “bad” are judgments that do not exist else where.

In reality, things “are” or they “are not” and that is all that there it to it.

Which is why we are asked not to judge people or things, just to accept them as they are.
Wishing that things are different from what they really are, is called an “attachment” and this attachment causes suffering.
If you are here and I want you to understand that it means that YOU are among the BEST & BRIGHTEST souls in all of the entire Universe. Not just any soul is allowed to incarnate behind veiled worlds.
Here is some advice. DO NOT for ONE SECOND THINK that you are a sinner unworthy of love cast down out of Heaven.
That is a LIE!

What did I say? You are among the BEST & the BRIGHTEST souls in all of Creation!

We are not bodies with souls. We are souls temporarily incarnated into bodies to experience things that as souls we cannot otherwise experience.


We all know God / Universe / whatever you wish to call Him, is not a man. But since things on such a grand scale as the Universe are very difficult for us to understand, we will use analogies.
Let’s say God is a (hu)man, just because we are one, thus we sort of understand what that is. Now the (hu)man is made of cells. We (souls) are the equivalent of God’s cells in the body of God, if God were a man.
You could also use the same analogy if you wanted to know what planets and stars were.
The planet would then be the cells, and in that case we, would be the cell’s atoms.

Now some souls are very curious critters. And we wish to learn more about who we and God are. Because as souls we can’t do that as there is nothing to compare it to as things either are or are not. So how do we know?

Because all that is, is warm. What is warm? We don’t know.
Because all that is, is energy. What is energy? We don’t know.
Because all that is, is love. What is Love? We don’t know.
Because all that is, is light. What is light? We don’t know.
Well how do we find out? We experiment.
Can you now understand how we can be "the best & brightest" souls?
We are smart & curious.
Everyone here is, believe that or not.
Thus everyone here is "God's chosen people" not a select few.
As only the best and brightest souls are allowed here. Remember?
Why do some seem like they are not?
Well that is a different subject I will get into later, but the answer is
"As above so below, as below so above."

How do we do this? We incarnate on worlds behind veils so that contrast is available. For the contrast to matter, we would have to forget what we knew, and that is the only thing that exists is that, the Universe is warm loving energy and light.

What is stagnation?
It is an illusion because the only thing that exists is energy, and energy always flows. Stagnation is the absence of energy.
What is cold?
It is an illusion because the only thing that exists is warmth, cold is the absence of warmth.

What is fear?
It is an illusion because the only thing that exists is love. Fear, not hatred, is the absence of love.

What is darkness?
It is an illusion because the only thing that exists is light, darkness is the absence of light created by the veil.