Part 1 of 2
Life Lessons
are politically incorrect.

This is a "clue" for those of us who can 'see' or 'know' things and use that 'gift' to try to help, protect or rescue others from "horrible fate" that we know awaits them. After all ‘forewarning means it isn’t destiny”. Right!
But usually with the end result in whomever you are helping is that they;
a) Pushing you away, despite your best intentions.
b) Ignoring you and then blaming you for “Wishing it all on them”.
c) Leave you feeling like you have just “tossed pears before swine”.
d) Them “vampiring” your energy till you have none for anything else.
e) You feeling like you have been “cursed” instead of blessed.
f) You being slandered and abused in some of the most horrible ways.

And despite their cry for help, they yell at you "When are YOU going to learn?"
EVERYONE who incarnates has a life lesson or two to learn. EVERYONE!
Those who have been around the block a few times knows the "ropes" of those who have been around a few less times and frequently offer assistance, which is usually met with rejection.

Often we take it personally as we are wrongly taught to care what other people think and we shouldn't care what they think of is as it is none of our business. None of them really know who we are, after all they don't walk in our shoes, breathe through our noses.

"The Rescuer / Protector"

Oh but they can't rescue themselves, they need rescued. because ...
- She is too weak, that big bad person beats her up regularly. - Yet she chooses to stay.
- Need recued because she beats him up! Yet he too chooses to stay.
- Too small to fight back, where will they go, on the street?
- Too young - A baby can't defend it's self. Though it choose that partent knowing this would happen.
- Don't have the "athority", "training" or "resources".
- Not human! - Poor puppy / environment ...

I suffer from this one:
I didn't do something and days later I regretted it, because someone died!
Yet, had I done some
thing I for sure would have been made out to be the "bad guy". Because I coudln't have proven what was yet to happen.
We fear what we "know' will happen. It is after all "inevitable"!
Like a train coming down the tracks.
We must interfere!
We must intervene!
Because it is "the right thing to do!"
So we have been told.
But it is?
For sure I would have "heard", you can't prove my son would have murdered me, just because he was trespassing on your property & trying to break into your home.

It would have only been a "thought crime". Just because someone thinks something does not always mean they will act upon it.

Thus this also includes situational out comes.
What attachment?
"Their soul is an adult and they want to learn this lesson, it was agreed upon. Let go of worry over negative consequences, it is going to happen.
Let go of feeling responsible. It is not your job to prevent or clean up after, or warn them.
Your job is to be there to love the people unconditionally regardless of the circumstances.”

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