Why there appears to be no God here.
I keep hearing things such as, "There appears to be no God here. Everything is chaos. Religious people say that God answers their prayers. Then why is God so selective? Why does God answer one person's prayer for their favorite sports team to win, but ignores a starving person's prayer for food? Looks like pure chance to me. Either God is cruel or doesn't exist."
That just is not true at all. God exists and He is not cruel. Keep in mind that "cruel" is a judgment. One must understand the rules to understand the game. Yes, like is more like a game than "reality", because it is all an illusion nothing here is real.

I have tried in these pages to explain how things work, I have put a lot of effort into that, please read them.
- Life’s Journey -http://crystallinegatelio.wix.com/indigohealinghouse#!journey/c19m0
- Why are we here
- I have also posted how to pray and how to make prays work”.
And as far as praying for a sports team to win being answered … no, the players did the hard work that caused them to win, not the prayer.
Another complaint was, "This reality does not function on any sense of morality."
Define "morality". What one culture deems to be okay another considers a sin. Thus again this is a judgment call.

Things that have nothing to do with morality have consequences.
Yes, everything one does has consequences. It follows the Law of Attraction, what you put out comes back to you. Has nothing to do with the judgment of whether something is moral or not. http://crystallinegatelio.wix.com/indigohealinghouse#!law-of-attraction/cq5d

I love biscuts. So what? they're just buscuts. I didn't hurt someone or steal or betray in order to get them. Yet I'm punished with morbid obesity. Why? What's morally wrong about liking biscuts? Nothing. It's just senseless.

This one gets a two part answer.
1) We all have underlying issues that create our energy and it is very important that we become aware of what energy we are putting out. For example, if we have grown up being a victim we pray with a victim's energy and get more victim experiences or answers to our prayers that reflect that. I have found that those who suffer from morbid obesity have usually been raped more than once by someone in the past. This fat layer is a person’s armor. The thought appears to be, “if I am fat or ugly enough no one will want to hurt me.”
So you need to heal that underlying issue before you can lose that weight. Once that is taken care of … the weight is no longer needed and will fall right off.

2) As far as the eating biscuits goes, all things in moderation. You can have some and not be an issue. Sit down and enjoy every bite without a sense of guilt. Taste the flavor, feel the crispiness, smell the smell, hear the crunch, see the biscuit, take your time, be mindful of what you consume. You deserve to have what you like, don’t eat the whole “extra large” bag or two or three of them and cry “I’m fat”. What did you expect would happen? Don’t justify eating that much because you are big and need more. What kind of logic is that?
Once you have eaten them, get up and go for a walk. Then you have balance but the important part is that when you enjoy eating without beating yourself up about it you will find that in the long run you won't crave them as much. Eating is very enjoyable so we shouldn't deprive ourselves but we need to be in balance too. Do not depriving yourself of something you love, but do not over doing the eating either.
And shame on those who contribute to such bad habits by providing “truck loads” of junk as "food" for a meal.
Love your family and friends enough to know when to say "no". Too much food is as harmful to someone’s health as too much alcohol.
Another complain was; "People like to say that it's up to us to change things. Oh yeah? And how's that working out so far? How's that working out for everyone and everything on this planet? We continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. We torture animals so that we can look more "beautiful" with our products. We continue to create increasing amounts of waste and then dump it into the Earth. Yeah, we're doing a real bang-up job changing things so far.
And before you say "not me!"... so what? Even if you aren't contributing to the suffering and destruction of everything, literally billions of people are. There's no stopping it. If there was, we would have found a way by now. But every year things get worse."

Far too many adults behave like spoiled children.


Keep in mind

Until then ...

Also some people won't ever change. Not because they are not capable of doing so, but because they are lesson teachers. You can't "save them", they don't need saved. But once you have learned the lesson that they came into your life to teach you. You need to let go, so they need to move on to their next student. Don't further harm yourself clinging to a bad situation.

All physical issues have a spiritual cause,
to find out more about what that might be there are a number of sources.
Louise Hay's book "Heal your body" gives causes AND affirmations.
For a list of causes (no affirmations) http://ourspiritualnutrition.com/