Do not fear anything for
God Provides

Money is not the root of all evil,
but the love of money is evil.

Money is nothing, knowledge is true power.

We don't NEED money.
God provides freely for all His children.
It just may not look like what we think it should look like.
What he and other families in power fear most is that we wake up and take away
"thier money" (power to rule) by speaking the truth.
United we stand, divided we will surely fall.

They print "money" out of thin air, with nothing backing it. It is in fact worthless. The ONLY thing that gives is "value" is the fact that YOU AGREED that it has some sort of value.
Real and true money does have value, and thing of equal value should be traded.
What those in power provide is worthless.
God provides plants, soil, rocks, minerals, seeds, rain, air, and strong body & mind from which to produce "labor" with. These things they do not own as they didn't create them. The only reason they can claim ownership over such is because once again YOU AGREED to it. However the reason you agreed is beacuse you were lied to. Had the truth been known it is doubtful anyone would have given up real true things of value for something that has no value at all. TAKE BACK YOUR POWER!

How do they control you?
Fear based lies
& slander.

Hard to read -
Freedom is initially scarier than constraint. Nothing to resist, nothing to hold you back. It dares you with a question;
"What do you want to do?" as apposed to
"What do you have to do?"