- False Flags -
Confederate & US Flags
The Confederate flag issue is a false flag issue.

1st William T. Thomson's "Confederate flag" NEVER FEW!
The "Civil War" - Actually it is called "The War Between the States" lasted between 1861-1865. William T. Thomson's flag was ratified in 1865 at wars end, it never flew. Most folks don't even know what it looks like.
"Take it down". Oh please!
Get your facts straight.

< This is NOT the Confederate flag, any more than this >
is the US flag.

This is the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia.

This is William T. Thomson's "Confederate flag" it never flew over the Confederacy, as the war ended before many flags were ever manufactured.
This is the 2nd National Confederate flag. It was designed by Nicola Marshall, and it flew from 1863- 1865, it saw war's end.
By the way this is St Andrew’s cross, he was a follower of Jesus.
3 National Confederate flags
All these flags stands for the values of radical independence from centralized government and extreme personal responsibility. The very thing most of you are crying for. They have *NOTHING* to do with slavery, racism, white pride, hate groups, being redneck, or drinking cheap beer.
Let’s all get pissed off
and prove our ignorance!
If you don't like my saying that, try educating yourself BEFORE you form an opinion on something and then try to get others to abide by your ignornace.

32nd President of the United States

Facts people FACTS!
Just because you ignore the facts doesn't mean they go away.
About The War Between The States
The War Between the States otherwise and incorrectly known as the Civil War (there is nothing civil about war) was fought for the same reason that the Revolutionary War was fought, freedom from oppression & tyranny, it was not ever about slavery. Remember the winner gets to write and choose which "history books" are used to teach young minds. Today there is no history, just "social studies".
While The North was industrialized The South was rich, having 70% of the nation's wealth and The North wanted it; this is taxation without representation. Even today we bear the burdon of 70% of our wages being taxed away. Note the word "wages" (money earned from hard labor) as apposed to "income" which is money gained from paper stocks and bonds. If you don't own stocks and bonds you don't have an income. Oops. That is a different story, lets go back to history.
Other territories wanted to join These
united States of America, but The North didn't
want those states to have the same rights as
they enjoyed, The South objected and broke
away. The North didn't approve,
"How dare they walk away!"
and started the War Betwen the States.
<30th President of the United States.
FACT; Lincoln the great "emancipator" just five days before he fired on Ft Sumpter called all of the nation's most influential black leaders to the White House to discuss "Colonization of blacks back to Africa." as free blacks outnumbered whites 5 to 1.
(This too is a different story, for more on it see next page.)
FACT; No black salve was ever brought to this country on a ship flying the Stars and Bars or the Southern Cross.
Fact; Lincoln was perfectly agreeable for the southern states to have slaves.
Fact; The 19th Amendment did NOT free slaves. After the war General Grant didn't free his slaves when asked why he said, "Good help was hard to find".
Fact; No Amendment freed any slaves at all. The truth is every one is enslaved! Just because your chains are not visible to the eye doesn't mean you are free. If you have and use an SSN, guess what, that is your slave number. You can't buy sell or trade without one - the "mark of the beast"!
Fact; Before the war there were two parties: the conservative Wigs, and the Liberal Republicans. Lincoln was a Liberal Republican. After the war there were two parties; the Liberal Republicans and the (well they don't want called communist so the) more liberal Democrats.
Fact; The start of The War Between the States saw the end of These united States of America and the Constitution. At war's end we had the rise of the corpoate United States. This is why they dismiss the Constitution, the US was "born" under the commerace clause.
Note: capital letters mean something! Before the war the States were united in the cause of self defense. After the war, not just the people, but the States lost all sovereign rights.
The black widow spider after being bred eats the male who impregnated her. The US "ate" its mother These united States of America.
Fact; When people say, "We want our country back" they aren't talking before Obama, they're talking about before the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil War!
Fact; The Republic that was once These united States of America is about dead. That is why politicans call the US a "democracy" instead of "Its a republic if you can keep it" - Ben Franklin, and the pledge is being torn up.

While we are on the issue of flags.
Speaking of ignorance.
Lets talk about the "US Flag".
The other day I heard someone call "The Stars and Bars" "Old Glory". LOL
The above flag is "The Stars & Bars"
the flag below is "Old Glory"
Both flags mean the nation is at war!

The above flag was the flag the Star Spangled banner was sung about. It still flew over Fort McHenry in Maryland while the British were bombing the fort in 1812 because the pole was not take down by a cannon ball, and while the fort was on fire the flag was not made of cloth but of chain thus it didn’t burn. Clever those Americans.
Now what have we here?

War flag & Peace flag
for the same nation.
Why have we never seen the peace flag?
Because the US has been "at war" since 1861!

We want our country back!

While you are squabbling over and distracted by this, the Trans-Pacific Partnership just passed. Where as a few days ago the word was "no".