
Time as we know it on Earth is a fiction created by Earth’s mass and gravity. Once in space, there is no such thing as “time”. Astronauts have to be told, “Go to bed.” other wise they will work till they drop. They have no sense of time.

and energy cycles - remember the computer screen is flat, and nothing in the universe is flat. So energy cycles not up and down but round and round.

Hours of the day & the Moon cycles

The tide cycles in and out.
Berwickshire Harbour
Photographer Michael Marten

Day & night, days of week, weeks in a month, seasons in year,
all cycle as well as life, death & rebrith.

Energy moves in cycles, nothing is flat.

The Universe is not a flat line!

Different perspective
Feminine & Masculine energy
are partners in equal balance, not one greater than the other.
Growth is about change.
Change is the only constant in the Universe, everything cycles.

See how the brain waves cycle?

Even bad habits cycle.
Cycles like these need broken.
If it doesn’t start / stop with you, then who?

A good reason to study
Geometry & Trigonometry
is to better understand God.
On Earth a day is defined by one full rotation of the Earth itself; one period of darkness and one of light.
One 1 rotation of the moon around Earth is a month.
And 1 rotation around of Earth around the sun is a year.
Notice the pattern.
Time is defined by 1 rotation.

Since time on Earth is a fiction
created by mass and gravity.
There is another definition of time.

I 'felt' the energy swings
and discovered
"Angel Day"
October 2017
is the next “low” energy point.
January 2019
is the next "high" engery point.
Since I have created this I now know what it rotates around and more or less why.
Ask & Receive
I wondered why 30 months, what is the "center" of 30 months?
And an astrologist answered, “It takes 30 months for Saturn to move from one sign to the next.”
About a year later (March 2017) I was 'shown' this excerpt;
(Source that gave me this does not know what book it is from)
Chapter VIII
The Higher Hierarchies and Archangel Michael
"The Higher Hierarchies have a rich and extremely ancient history, from the dawn of time. They “built their whole bodies from warmth and fire”, and their “inner warmth of soul” was originally felt on Saturn, in its early evolution. There, "inner warmth transformed itself gradually into perception of outer warmth" as the evolution of the Higher Hierarchies commenced and Saturn began its transformation.
The Archai had the ability to transform outer warmth into inner warmth. They came into being as “warmth eggs” on Saturn, which looked, at the time, much like a raspberry or a blackberry. The planet was breathing in and out, aspirating fire instead of air. Many of the Archai preferred to leave some of the warmth behind in order to become human, and also so they could differentiate themselves from their environment and “create a realm next to their own”. This assisted in the development of “I” consciousness, and allowed Saturn to continue to exist after its great transformation.
Higher beings intervened to dissolve Saturn so that it could move into its next incarnation. A lower realm was left behind, and a long phase of night was followed by dawn. The Sun state of Saturn then arose. The Archai were bound to the planet they had left behind, and they were drawn down into a new planetary existence. They created their own karma on a reborn Saturn: the Sun. Winds, air and gases blew with random force in every direction."
Clearly Saturn is the answer, as to why an angel day is as long as it is.
What is a God day?

This is not the best image. Because we are not in the center of the Universe. We rotate around the outside edge just as we rotate around the sun. Since we know where we are, it’s easy to calculate an answer to how long a God day is.

What do we know?
•We know 1 rotation around the “self” is a day.
•We know Earth is on the out side edge of the Universe.
•We know that there are 12 constellations (zodiac signs) which constitute an “age”.
•Each of the 12 constellational
ages are about 22,000 Earth
years long.
What does that tell us?
How long a God day is.
One rotation through the 12 ages which are 22,000 Earth years long, is a God day.

Which is two hundred,
sixty four thousand + - (264,000)
Earth years long.
Now you know what "men of the cloth" don't know or won't tell you.