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The Golden Rule / Law of Prophets
Treat others as you would have them treat you.
NOT how they treat you.
As you want them to treat you.

You know how this feels?
It hurts.
Do not hurt others just because you hurt.
Two wrongs do NOT make a right.
Live and help live & Love.

Hurt people do not have to hurt people.
Choose love instead

Personally I have NOT done this experiment. >
However I have used intent (which is what this is) to heal my food, to rid it of toxins, gmos, and lack of nutrition, with the difference in taste being profound.
If you feel you can't do energy work like this (and it does NOT take a long time to do it, that is what praying over meals is for, asking God / angels to do it for you. I will say this it makes an amazing difference in the taste of the food you eat.
You KNOW the difference.
And it is apparent and obvious when you do it like this experiment is done, that is to take one object and cut or break it in two and energy work or pray over one half but not the other. Then tastes both halves. See for yourself.
- Gate Lion
Words can make you sick or healed.
Heavy or light. Here’s an experiment that might prove it. (Read it on orignal site here: http://bit.ly/1DSxlSy)
“I’ve got an idea,” I said to my Kid.
“Let’s talk smack to apples and see what happens.”
And thus began the Good Apple / Bad Apple (approximately) 25 Day (because we lost count) Experiment in our kitchen. I’m a fan of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research on water and resonance. Apples would prove resonance theory. Sure enough….
Each half of the same apple sat in its own sealed jar on our windowsill. Throughout the day, we’d walk by and say to The Apple of Positivity, You are so awesome! You’re a winner! You are perfect, gorgeous, useful. We love you apple! Apple! You rock! We’d touch the jars, whisper, yell, laugh. Good apple!
As for The Apple of Negativity, well… I had a hard time being nasty to the bad apple, actually. My truly kind-hearted boy had a field day with it, though. Apple! You super suck! You no good, ugly, stinking piece of usefulness fruit.
Since I was having difficulty channeling my inner jerk face, I chose to use my words to program the apple to rot. I kept telling it what I wanted to happen: You’re rotting. You’re not worth my attention because you’re gonna rot. And you know what? I kind of hope you rot. You’re so rotten.
And look what happened. The Apple of Positivity that we loved up is well preserved and smiling. The Apple of Negativity that we verbally abused took an immediate, downward spiral into rotsville.
-- In the pic below: Left facing apple got glowing, positive input. Right facing apple got all smack talk.
Words can make you sick. And heavy. And dark.
Words can make you light. And radiant. And energized.
Words infuse.
Words refuse.
Words bless.
Words protect.
Words energize.
Words heal.
Words create worlds because the universe is always listening. [tweet it:http://ctt.ec/CnZbP]
… and so are your cells, your psyche, and your children, your team, and the apples.
Use your sonic power to create what you really want.
Energetically this is the same thing.