The Goddess, Souls, & Angels

Father God has a wife.
Father God & Mother Goddess
Genesis 1
26) And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27) So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he them; male and female created He them.
Exodus 20
12) "Honor your Father and your Mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you.
Mother Goddess
is also known as;

•The Holy Ghost
•The Holy Spirit
•The Virgin Lady of Guadalupe.
•Mother Mary
•The Creator Goddess
•Our Lady to Juan Diego

"Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who am your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything."
- Words of Our Lady to Juan Diego

Genesis 1:27 is misleading
The “image” of male & female
Souls were created masculine & feminine.
That is they have gender but not sex.

Souls / Cells of God's body have gender, but not sex.
Humans have the soul's gender & sex

While the words gender and sex are similar in meaning
they are not one and the same
and they can not be interchanged with each other.
We can choose before incarnation to mix them up.
This is God's gift to us.

In other words, we can have a feminine soul and choose to incarnate into a male body, or we can have a masculine soul and choose to incarnate into a female body. We do not have to incarnate into a female body just because our soul is feminine or into a male body just because our soul is masculine. Incarnating after all is all about learning. What could we learn if we never had courage enough to venture into something different?
Thus feeling like you are a female trapped in a man's body or a male trapped in a female body is entirely possible. And God allowed this, so we could learn what it feels like to be something other than what we are as souls. However that does not mean you need to “change” anything. Or force someone else to accept you or be like you (which would be narcissism).
Only a male & female body can co-create. So if you are a masculine soul incarnated in a female body, you need to seek out a feminine soul in a masculine body. And a feminine soul in a masculine body needs to seek out a masculine soul in a female body.

Everything is God:
To communicate with animate objects (such as animals) one can use empathy. To communicate with inanimate objects (such as furniture) one uses psychometry.
No thing not even you is out of reach of God.
How do we do this? Just 'speak' to it like one would any person (say in the next room without yelling) and when listen without fear, we can 'hear'.
We (our souls) are Puppet Masters

not the puppets (human body)!

No such thing as “gender roles”.

Just do it!
Do what makes you happy!

Be clear and precise
Human language changes constantly. In God's time that is every nano second, thus God doesn’t know slang. So if you ask for “a million bucks”. God will say “Yes!” And you are going to get a million male deer in exactly the worst possible place – in your way. Because that is what you asked for. Angels have a wicked sense of humor and will be laughing hysterically at you, while you cry & God will be puzzled.
God will ask, “Why does man cry? I gave him exactly what he asked for.”

Remember you are not the puppet so ...

Think about that for a bit.