Everyone speaks about "the 1%", what about
"The 99%"?
"Too poor", is not a truth,
it’s an attitude problem.
In the night while this was being “dictated” to me one of the things that “popped out” was the fact that both these memes are reaching from the left to the right. As if to say those on the left are complaining to those on the right. “You are holding us back, give us more”. And I saw the truth in that.

There is this perceived problem, the rich are "too rich" and more are growing poor.
As I have asked before, "Whose problem is it?" Who do you think is responsible for your choices?
If the rich gave the poor all their money.
It would not be long before they had it all back again.
Why is that? Because NOTHING would have changed.
The problem does NOT go away.
It does not matter what the problem is, be it income disparity, education (lower grades or collage) or crime issues, the problems will remain until we change the way we think.

Give me the latest and greatest, the fastest and most extream ... that there is, I want to life high and burn it all up in a hurry - YOLO! Once I get it, I'll have it all.
- Till the well runs dry.
I have seen it over and over and over again. "poor" folks are given large amounts of money for one reason or another (win the lottery, or a lawsuit) and it is true even when folks get lucky, get a well paying job and earn a lot of money as a wage (sports stars, actors & actresses, etc), it isn't long before they are broke again, they are still living pay check to pay check. While it is coming as fast as it is coming in it is spent, and in no time at all they have spent every penny of it and have NOTHING to show for all that money.
Why? Because nothing changed.

There’s really nothing to it all. You just read and you remember what you read. And if you make a mistake, you should not only, not make that mistake again but also don’t make that class of mistake again. That’s an exceedingly important concept to improve human performance at the individual scale. - Lowell Wood
Bill Gates says of Lowell, “He is the definition of a polymath, it’s not just how much he knows, it’s the way his brain works. He gives himself the freedom to look at problems in a different way from everyone else.”
Lowell Wood says, “Famine? Evil? Impending environmental doom? They’re but problems waiting to be solved.” The solutions are straightforward. Nobody denies that they’re workable. People say, ‘Oh, we shouldn’t do that, it’s politically incorrect.”
He argues there’s little chance of climate change—or anything, really, natural or human-made—wiping out the species anytime soon. He points out that the sheer number of humans makes us hard to kill, and says we’re not as good at mass destruction as we imagine. “It’s going to be a long, long time before the human race has the ability to threaten 90 percent of human lives."
"It’s frankly illiterate to not be optimistic.”
- Lowell Wood

IQ is good but
common sense is superior

Whatever books you may read, you cannot realize the Divine merely by intellectual effort. One must put it into practice. That sense of oneness can only be promoted by the practice of love and not by any other means. ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

"Some say, "I have tried this way, and it doesn't work."

Do you think the Law of Attraction is broken?
(- Ester Hicks)
You want God, ascended masters, & angels to acknowledge that the Law of Attraction is broken when it isn't? There is a rage problem that causes a momentum problem, and folks who don't know what they want and don't want but the Law of Attraction works.
This is "The Secret"
How The Law of Attraction works.
If you focus on something for 17 seconds you get a momentum going and another thought like it joins it. You keep focusing for another 17 seconds and yet another thought joins it and so on. After 68 seconds (4x17=68) you've amassed enough vibrational pull that Law of Attraction kicks into overdrive and the probability of something related to what you were focusing on will show up in your reality. This will happen whether you were focusing on something you want or something you don't want. - Abraham Hicks

The 17 second rule applies to everything, it starts the Law of Attraction which responds to the vibration you offer and the more specific the thought, the faster the momentum. Just like an object falls at 32 feet per second, per second, it keeps increasing in momentum (till it hits atmospheric resistance where it tops out at 200 mph, but in the vacuum of space it keeps on going faster and faster.)
These 17 seconds of pure positive thought will do more for you than hours of action and trying. Those first 17 seconds of pure positive thought is worth 2,000 hours of action and 68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 hours of action!
This is the catch, a belief is a thought you continue to think and when you first wake up your believes are inactive. Rather than finding a clear space that is potentially there for you, you begin thinking about yesterday’s issues. If you continue to think those thoughts for 17 seconds there will be more momentum, and after 68 second threshold, you have missed your window of resonance with Source.
You can always start again tomorrow, or after a nap.
Cat’s attitude says, “I’m not poor I still have two good legs left”
New Jersey Bear, same attitude.
The little puppy