How To Heal The Pain
That Just Won't Heal.
Matthew 6:14 "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." 15"But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions."
These are very powerful words, but some times we feel as though a line has been crossed and we can't forgive, when that happens we need help. Because the one whom hurts the most when we don't forgive someone for what they did, is not them, but us. So remember don't close the door to healing. I will teach you how to heal those hurts and old wounds that just won't heal.
This is something EVERY one should do before becoming a healer and something every healer should do before they heal others. Because you can't give what you do not have yourself to give.

Allow Anger
We do not have to be powerless any more. We can allow anger to arise in others and in ourselves with less fear and more self-confidence.
By admitting fear,
Allowing the feeling,
Acting with loving-kindness.
Behind our fear of anger is a fear of asserting ourselves and of showing our vulnerability to others behavior. Fear of anger prevents us from displaying our deepest needs, values, wishes and potentials, it is the ingredient of our true self, and is the steps to our evolution (change). How can intimacy or destiny unfold when the best of us has to be hidden?
What is anger? Anger is a gift; it lets us know that something in our BS (belief system) is NOT our truth. That our beliefs need to be reexamined and that which no longer serves us, needs tossed out.

Let's take a moment to write down all our hurts, grievances and pain.
Write down EVERY THING you can't forgive and all the judgments you hold against yourself and others.

Do not worry no one will ever see it. Those who do God and the angels, they already know all about it.

Write it all down, every thing you can't bear to deal with any more.

Do not be anxious
Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? ... But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Stop beating
yourself up.
Do not worry about spelling or legibility. The Universe speaks in feelings. Put your feelings on the paper. You don't even have to use a pen or a pencil a stick will work, just put your feelings, on the paper.
If your pain and / or anger is such you feel the need to use the "stick" to punch holes in the paper to allow release, then please feel free to do so. Put your feelings on the paper, and allow the tears to flow, release all that pent up pain.

When you are done releasing it all, burn it. If you can't burn it safely, then take it and tear it up into pinky nail sized bits and then make it wet and stir it so it becomes a sludge.
If you can buring it in a coffee can or bbq pit is best.

For when you love yourself you can't harm another. For you treat others the way you want treated, no matter how they treated you because you know what it feels like to be hurt..

Step into your true power and show them who you really are!