The Hyphenated – American
According to the law of the land, These united States of America Constitution, there is no such thing as dual citizenship as it is forbidden. Either you are an American or you are not. When you put something else before American, such as “African -”, “Mexican -” and I have even recently seen "European -" that is saying this is your true nationality. If you were born in America, that is not the truth!
Truth is where you were born determines your nationality not politically correctness which is a very dangerous game to play.
Whether you are Hispanic, Native American, black, or in some cases even “white” the definition of Negro fits you, as it has to do with the skin being colored, not race. And in the original definition it also makes you an American.
While politicians will tell you that the constitution is no longer valid, and you can define yourself with a dual nationally designation. I want to warn you again that is a very dangerous game to play. Because they pull that Constitution out of the closet and use it on you when they feel the time is right. Politicians are very good at constantly changing the rules to suit them and screwing you is their number one game.
This actually happened.
I personally know someone who was born in These united States of American, served in the US army and after the contract with them was up, started working in the VA hospital and in a few years will retire from there so this person is NOT a young person, maybe late 50’s early 60’s and should have known better than to do this.
One day this person lost his/her identification, has no clue if it was just miss placed or stolen. But when this person went to replace the missing identification, the word that came back was “Oh we see here you are an African - American. What we are going to do is deport you back to African rather than replace your identification.”
The person was SHOCKED, and said, “But I was born here, served here and still work for the country in the VA, I have never been to Africa why would you want to deport me to some place I have never been? All my family is here!”
The reply was, “Because you identify yourself as an African, not as an American.”
That started a whole new battle, one to remain in the country of birth and to keep from being deported to a land noting was know about and where no known relations lived.

You are here because your forefathers wanted out of their country of origin, and when given a choice, would do anything to be here including sell themselves in to slavery just to remain here. Do not allow politicians to lie to you and tick you into something you don’t really want or you will find yourself being deported to a land you know nothing about.
From what I hear from someone who lives there, things are pretty bad over there. Wars, power outages, no mail delivery. You have it good here, don’t mess it up. But hey if you are unhappy here feel free to go to another place if you think you will be happier there. Here is a word of warning, happiness doesn’t care where you are, happiness comes from within not without.
Straighten out your act and fly true, educate yourself and make something of yourself, as that is why your forefathers re-enslaved themselves, so you could be here.

By definition where you are born is where you are native of.
It has been proven that the Native American Indians came to North America from Aisa.

Personally I'm a Native American.
While I have small amounts of American Indian blood in my back ground, one of my Great, Great Grand Mothers was an American Indian, it is not enough to actually be called an American Indian. I also have a branch that came here on the Mayflower, another branch that was among “The First Families of Virginia”. And yet on the other branch I am a 2nd generation American.
But because I, myself was personally was born in America, I love my freedom, and I love this land, I am a Native of America and that is what I call myself, “Native American”. This is my home!
But you will NOT see an US corporate war or admiral (ship with the yellow fringe) flag flying over my house, of that I want no part of it, so you can mark me down as against I don’t care. The corporation slipping in under the commerce clause of These united States of America’s Constitution, taking away the People’s and States rights and essentially “burning the document” it slipped in under is “the enemy within” These united States of America and the world as a whole, not I.

Remember EDUCATION is the greatest weapon … don’t be caught a political fool.