Respect & Gratitude
Goddess Roar of TRUTH
Look and see what you've been putting up with, settling for, and situations in which your valuable spirit has not been highly respected or honored.
The experience always comes from your own sense of self-worth and value. Look into the mirror at the Divine Beauty that you are. It is time for you to align with your highest self, who you really are. Correcting the misalignments you currently live in, that are out of nature with your higher being and purify and elevate your personal vibration. You have within you immense strength, immense power, and immense grace / compassion.
Truths are being reveled now, and you are urged set up and see what is reflected back to you. - will be crystal clear and unavoidable for you cannot hide, deny, or play small any more. You cannot diminish yourself, or suppress the truth of just how immensely valuable, worthy and deserving of the highest expression of unconditional love that you are.
The message shown to you today is one of "No More!" A sense of having had enough of old patterns and vibrations that do not honor you. If you feel you have simply 'had enough' of anything in your life, be it a personal dynamic in a relationship, a person, place or situation at work or home, or just a way of being, now is the time for change. See the truth of what you've been putting up with, settling for and any and all situations in which your valuable spirit has not been highly respected or honored. Look at yourself, see your sacred power as it radiates through the Universe. Notice your colors, your healing abilities, your wisdom, your purity, your devotion, your perseverance, the commitment to Sacred Service you offer up, see your generosity, your unconditional presence of love.
God, the Angles, Ascended Masters and all those on the other side of the veil honor this, like no-one has ever done before this is the Holy Truth being brought to you now Sisters & Brothers of Light. For you deserve the very best that life has to offer up to you. Do not accept anything less for you are worthy of everything good that this Universe can deliver to you, so hold out for it, it is coming to you, Beloved One.
Feel how much you are valued by Spirit, for there is no place for a shred of victimhood here, in this high vibration of consciousness you are entering. You are the creator of your own life, and you are supported and guided by Spirit to create a life that reflects your true value and personal power. Breathe into your strength and feel the higher vibration as is roars through your system. Speak up, speak out, do not fear to reveal your true nature to the world. The Universe doesn’t want you to be a shrinking violets for you have too much to say, too much to bring forward, too much to move. No matter what, life is taking you in directions that demand you to be open and demonstrative of your spiritual wisdom and gifts. No more hiding, no more devaluing, not more settling, gather your strength, courage and power of the Ancients into your being once again. You have done this before, you can do it again. Now is your time.