What's wrong

It is NOT about the money!
In fact this ^^ could work out to be a very good thing!
God does not make clones, men do!

This subject is broken into several parts so that those with slower internet connections can load it due to the large number of memes in them.
Other longer pages will also be broken down.
While these memes are common on Facebook, they are so for those who are not on Facebook. The stories I have them tell are not on Facebook.
Mind you it is not so much the teacher's fault; they do what they are taught and paid to do. They believe they are doing a good job under the circumstances they are given to work under and many are doing the best they know how to do under those circumstances.

"For the child, it is not half so important to know, as to feel. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow.
The years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil. Once the emotions have been aroused - a sense of the beautiful, the excitement of the new and the unknown, a feeling of sympathy, pity, admiration or love - then we wish for knowledge about the object of our emotional response.
It is more important to pave the way for a child to want to know than to put him on a diet of facts that he is not ready to assimilate."
- Rachel Carson

The real problem in today's education system is John D. Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller oil and banking dynasty says, “I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want an nation of workers.”
Let's talk about education.
It is compulsory and state enforced. It is an institution that most never question and that's a problem.
Yes we get taught to read and write and perform some basic math, but we graduate without having any real skills. The children are not taught how to grow a garden, how to build a house, how to fix a car, how to balance a checkbook, or cook a healthy meal. There isn't even any rudimentary concepts of how to organize or lead groups of people, and no understanding of how to resolve conflicts non-violently. Children aren't taught how to think for themselves, the principles of logic, or how to question an ideology.
What they are taught is how to sit at a desk and listen obediently, how to accept without question, how to regurgitate information and give the answer that those in authority demand. We're conditioned to conform and we call this an education?
The problem is not a lack of money, it is low quality curriculum and the entire educational paradigm as the results are pathetic and unacceptable. The system is designed to format their minds and condition them for a life of subservience. It's designed to create individuals too stupid to question the system itself or the authority of those running it.
If we want to change course we cannot ignore this aspect of our enslavement. There is no point laboring to wake up other adults in our lives if we send our children to be programmed by the state.
The revolution of the mind must include a revolution in education.
The Truth About School In A 2 Minute Video.

If all that was not enough.

The DNA change is already happening. Many of the people diagnosed as ADD or ADHD actually have minds that work better and faster. I call it the multi-mind as they are able to think about several things at the same time. Yet these people are misunderstood and drugged. They really only need someone that can teach them control over their mind and meditation(ironically?) works best, not drugs. 1 multi-mind can create the same 'energy' as a 10 person meditation/prayer group.
Care to read more?
DNA is evolving from carbon 12 into carbon 7. Gifted people with this ADD or ADHD ability- can access the universal mind much easier than normal peeps. They can acquire knowledge through their abilities to multi-task and help wake up the whole of humanity. If you can be present at two places at once-you can acquire the secrets of the entire universe. Don't care if some of you think that I am crazy. We are consciousness. I repeat-we are consciousness. People with ADD or ADHD are therefore regarded as a threat and being drugged with damaging long-term effects. Similarly more Indigo children are being born. If you love your children- sit down and listen to them. They can teach you a lot. Encourage them to use their ability, teach them how to meditate, yoga also helps, ditch the processed foods, adopt a natural organic diet (much cheaper than meds) but more importantly DITCH THE DRUGS. In fact we should all act like this irrespective of whether we have this gift or not. The greatest gift that the universe haa given mankind is people with this capability- that some want us to believe is a disability. Thank you all for being here.
- unknown

Ron Paul: America Can Be Saved By Doing This One Simple Thing
Former Congressman Ron Paul recently gave an interview with Anthony Wile of the Daily Bell. Dr. Paul dealt with a number of questions fielded by Wile, including the question of what can be done to restore our constitutional republic.
Dr. Paul said he said he works “on the assumption that you can save the republic but not in a conventional way.” He does not think the republic is going to be saved by “electing two or three or ten more members of Congress” who are committed to doing the right thing.
Dr. Paul highlighted the critical role played by education in saving the republic, talking about economic education in particular. He says that there are “lots of people waking up” to the falsehoods of Keynesianism. Keynesianism is the belief system that underlies recent attempts to pump fiat currency into our system by former Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke and current Fed chair Janet Yellen, resulting in economic malaise rather than robust growth.
So what prescription does Dr. Paul have for the Federal Reserve, the central bank that has been overseen by Bernanke and Yellen? He would eventually like to see the Federal Reserve shuttered. He simply says that “we want constitutional money and we want commodity money and we want freedom of choices in it. And that is the important thing.”
Dr. Paul is not just talking about education, either. He has enacted a home school curriculum and also started the Ron Paul Channel to inform people about critical freedom issues.
Paul finds his greatest encouragement in the many young people who are open to pro-liberty ideas.