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IHH Rules

Special notes for Healing Sessions

1       Be sure to clean up after yourself and those with you. If you bring it you leave with it, this includes diapers and female products, so be sure to bring something to put them in as they won't burn.

       The place is clean please leave it better than you found it. Be sure you have cleaned up after yourself before you leave.

 2     There are no shortcuts to healing, so there will be no alcohol or drugs by any definition is allowed on property.  If caught with it you will be asked to leave immediately, you break the rules - no refunds.

3      You come to heal, act like it, no rudeness or violence towards anyone. If caught you will be asked to leave immediately, you break the rules - no refunds.

4*    Please note; this is a very primitive setting, as such wildlife lives here too. (This includes; scorpions, bees, wasps, spiders, snakes, skunks, hogs, deer, "lions, tigers and bears oh my", as well as grass burrs, bull nettle, horse nettle and plants with big thorns and poison ivy.) Please respect their space and watch where you put your body parts and avoid perfume which might irritate them.

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for yourself and your children.

       All are welcome but no special care will be provided for anyone regardless of age or the lack thereof.

      Unfortunately due to the primitiveness of the sight and the deep sand, wheelchairs and those unsteady on their feet can not be accommodated at this time, I do appreciate your understanding in this matter. I do not wish to leave anyone out for any reason, so if you are in a wheelchair and in need, please contact me so we can make other arrangements.

5     Due to the sand there are lots of sand fleas during summer months that normally do not mess with people but your pets can get a nasty case of them, it is best if you can leave them at home or make other arrangements.

6    Due to the sand please leave cell phones and other electronics in the car or at home. You can not learn from me while paying attention to them, and you will live just fine without them. The signal is not all that good out here anyway.

7    Due to the sand any chair or small table with feet like this will sink into the sand, and turn you over. If this is what you have bring a few short boards of some sort or plywood or something to use as "coasters" under the feet so they don't sink as far down.


   - Thank you

Indemnity Agreement

For those staying at the IHH

Everyone will be expected to obey the

Indigo Healing House Rules

April 20, 2018

     I’d like to welcome you to the Indigo Healing House, please understand that this is my personal home. So you know what is expected of you, below are some basic rules that must be followed during your stay here. If for any reason you feel like you can’t follow these rules, then please don’t “hang your hat” here, you are not welcome so just move on in pease.

     While you are a guest here you must be willing and agree to abide by these rules and obey my instructions period. I’m willing to compromise in many areas, and you are free to express your opinion in a civil manner. But this is my home and I have the final say on all things. The order of the following rules is not related to the seriousness of the rules. Violate some of these rules below and I might be merely unhappy with you, but violate some of the more serious rules below, you will be instructed to leave the property immediately, without appeal, with only a small window of time to gather your personal belongings and leave, as you will not be allowed to harm or endanger yourself or others either through intent, neglect or stupidity. 

     Be aware I may need to add to this list of rules, as I deem necessary in the future, to maintain an orderly learning and healing environment. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Rule- No use of drugs (by any definition), alcohol or illegal substances, and no smoking of any substance period.

Rule- No theft period. “If it doesn’t belong to you, do not touch it” without specific permission.

Rule- No trespassing; you are my guest, do not cross fences, going through gates, or enter into buildings, sheds or shelters you don’t have specific permission to be in, as these belong to other people.

Rule - No open fires outside of designated burning areas, or during burn bans.

Rule- Treat others the way you want treated. Not how you have been treated in the past.

-        Any mess you make, you will be expected to clean up after yourself.

-        No littering or leaving trash behind (especially female products or baby diapers - I don’t want to have to deal with your blood or your baby’s shit.)

  • Anything you damage or destroy that is not your personal property; you alone will be responsible for repairing or replacing.  

-        Wash your own dishes, I mean wash them clean, not splash water at it or “dip it” and call it clean.

-        You will always conduct yourself in a civil manner and in an appropriate manner around all family members (that includes any & everyone at the IHH) at all times. No inappropriate language, this includes; profanity, name calling, speaking under your breath, you have something to say, say it, but please don’t yell or scream, I’m not deaf, even if I was, yelling would not help.

-           Keep your clothing on, and your body modestly covered for the season at all times; this may include sunscreen, but especially includes footwear, this is violated at your own personal risk! (Clothing rule may be amended on certain specific specified holidays, after dark.)

-        You will be expected to have good manners; including table manners; there will be no chewing with mouth open, talking with mouth full, no arms on table while eating, no food fights, etc.

-        You will be expected to show respect; I want to hear; “Yes ma’am”, “No ma’am”, “Please”, “Thank you”, and “May I please (have, do, use) …”. Other wise you might find yourself being ignored and the answer is “no”.

-        You will be expected to pull your weight, and do your fair share of any chores assigned to you. I am no man or woman’s slave and this is not a day care or nursing home facility.

     In short leave the place better than you found it.


     Fact; this is a working farm / ranch; and that is the oldest and most dangerous occupation there is and there is nothing I can do about that. It is up to you to keep yourself safe. You will never be intentionally put into harms way, but accidents can happen, see to it that it does not. Do your part, and pay attention to your surroundings at all times. [This is violated at your own personal risk!]

     As with all farms / ranches there are many dangerous tools that should not be “played” with. This includes everything from table ware, the machete, hoe, shovel, guns and rifles, tractors and other implements, vehicles, chain saws, hand saws, hammer, etc.

     This is the country wild and domestic animals and plants are a part of the natural environment; all of which can be down right deadly. This includes; scorpions, spiders, bees, wasps, wild pigs, wild cats (bobcats, cougars etc.) wild dogs (wolves, coyotes, foxes etc), deer, snakes, cattle, even chickens and illegal immigrants, bull & horse nettle, grass burs, devil’s & poison ivy, and falling trees just to name a few, all of which can be very dangerous. It is YOUR responsibility to watch where you put your body parts and how you treat the environment. Don’t turn rocks over with your bare hands or feet; wear shoes preferably steel toed boots. Make sure the cow patty you step in or over is not a coiled rattler. DO NOT run from or show fear to a predator (wild cat or dog of any sort), as this means you are food and they will give chase and attack you. Show courage, remember nature is “armed & very dangerous”; respect it!

  • Rule - For everyone’s safety; pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, or other chemicals not specifically suggested (sun screen) are not allowed here. 


     Strong suggestion - No wearing of perfumes of any kind as there is the danger of being swarmed by killer bees, wasps or other insects. The wearing of hair sprays, deodorants, makeup, etc is also discouraged not only because they may also attract insects, but due to lack of air conditioning it will making surviving summer heat intolerable. [This is violated at your own personal risk!]

Furthermore you will be expected to sign 
If you feel you can not free will agree to either of these, you are not welcome

will be deemed a trespasser and treated accordingly.




(Hereafter called “Agreement”)

      From here on after The Indigo Healing House shall be called "IHH" and will and shall include; IHH property (attached and adjacent lands), all  the content and property upon it natural, manufactured or otherwise present, T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family”, The Net Work, and landlord(s) and all the above rules as being agreed and adhered to.

     Therefor by setting foot (or any other body part) on IHH property (attached and adjacent lands), having seen or knowledge of this page or not you hereby acknowledge, understand, accept and agree to the following:

            YOU assume any and all risk, take full responsibility, and waive any and all claims of personal injury, including severe bodily injury, death, or damage to personal property relating to your stay at the Indigo Healing House (which includes the farm / ranch or home(s) located on the same property).

            YOU hereby release, forever discharge and covenant not to sue the head of Indigo Healing House, T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family” * The Net Work and/or the landlord(s), and release T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family”, The Net Work, and landlord(s) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages related to the stay at the Indigo Healing House (which includes the farm / ranch or home(s) located on the same property), which may be caused by (a) YOUR own actions or inactions or those of others, and/or (b) the conditions under which staying at the Indigo Healing House and/or  (c) the negligence of the Released Parties, T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, The Net Work and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family” and/or the landlord(s).

        YOU further agree that if, despite this Release, Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk, YOU, or anyone on YOUR behalf makes a claim against, T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, The Net Work, and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family” and/or the landlord(s), that YOU will indemnify and hold harmless T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family”, The Net Work and/or the landlord(s), from any loss, liability, damage, cost which may be incurred as the result of such claim. YOU knowingly and freely assume all risk, both known and unforeseen, and hereby accept full responsibility for any injuries or damage to YOUR person or personal property, which may result from staying at the Indigo Healing House (which includes the farm / ranch or home(s) located on the same property).

       YOU understand that if YOU are responsible for your personal behavior no matter how upset you may get, YOU shall not attack or other wise intend harm anyone. Nor shall YOU allow your family members or pets to harm others.

       YOU understand that if YOU are responsible for damage the land, farm tools, property or animals, or property of T.L. Carroll, and/or any member or members of “the family”, or anyone else’s property while staying at Indigo Healing House (which includes the farm / ranch or home(s) located on the same property), YOU assume full responsibility and costs to restore the property to it's condition prior to or better than said damage.

      YOU covenant and agree not to bring onto or use on this land any illegal drugs or substances, or alcohol, or to smoke any substance.

      YOU covenant and agree that YOU will remove any garbage (especially those with bodily fluids on them) from the property that is brought or used here by YOU or YOURS. 

      YOU covenant and agree that YOUR health is YOUR personal responsibility and will not hold anyone else T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner,  The Net Work and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family” or the landlord(s) responsible or liable for YOUR personal choices or situation regardless of any outcome before, during or after the stay at the IHH.

 *    YOU understand YOU ARE expected to help with chores including but not limited to brush clearing, cooking, gardening, animal husbandry and house-keeping chores, and will receive no compensation for doing so, and none of the Released Parties have any lawful or legal duty or obligation to give me any compensation for any reason.

     YOU understand that the head of Indigo Healing House (which includes the farm / ranch or home(s) located on the same property), T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, or any IHH Partner, may at any time, at their sole option and discretion, ask YOU to leave and if so, YOU will leave in a peaceful, quiet and timely manner and will make no charges or claims of wrong-doings against T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, any IHH Partner, and/or any member or members of the extended “IHH Family” or the landlord(s). YOU also understand and covenant that YOU will not receive any refund(s) if any funds were paid for any reason.

While YOU are free to leave Indigo Healing House at any time, YOU will notify the head of Indigo Healing House before leaving, to avoid any confusion and concerns about YOUR safety.

     By "setting foot" (or any other body part) on any part on the IHH or adjacent property it is hereby to be assumed that YOU have read this Agreement and have freely and willingly signed it without any inducement of any nature made evident by YOUR presence, whether you have knowledge of it or not as the document is in the public domain.

    YOU understand that before YOU sign (made evident by being on property), YOU may review this contract with any counsel of choice at YOUR own expense.

      It is fully intend that this Agreement to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent and it is agreed that if any position of this Agreement is held to be invalid, the person(s) in question is/are not allowed on the property and is hereby deemed to be an unwelcome illegal trespasser subject to being treated as such and a physical dangerous threat to everyone who has agreed; T.L.C / The Crystalline Gate Lion, or any IHH Partner, The Net Work, and the extended "IHH Family", the property. Furthermore the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.

* "The extended IHH family" is defined as anyone other than self, welcomed on the grounds, including someone they are with. 

** This agreement comes into being signed it, or know about it or not, as it is on line for viewing. You had to have found us someone how.

IHH - Dirty Kids Intro 2.jpg
A lot of problems in the world would dis
Be Respectful and Polite at all
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