This page is politically incorrect.
Read with an open mind.

I understand that this is an emotionally charged subject matter for many. It is an attempt to explain why there appears to be no God or why God doesn't intervene.
This IS how God sees things.

Life at all cost
Is it worth it? Sometimes, but usually not.

Friends everyone needs one. If you can’t find one, be one. Be the change you wish to see in the world. BUT never ever bite the hand that feeds you.
Now for the rest of the story.

It’s no secret that disabilities are causal factors in behavioral disturbances in humans and animals, and best intentions can’t trump reality. It’s worth noting that many pigment disorders have been associated with neurological problems and behavioral issues irrespective of their effects on sight, so not only could Lily be reacting to being blind, she could also have concomitant neurological disorders associated with being double merle. This should give pause to those who advocate for finding homes for all disabled puppies versus putting them down. As much as the knee-jerk bleeding hearts think that all life is so precious and that once the crime of breeding like this is committed that we can’t then “punish” the defective offspring by killing them, such decisions have consequences that have to be weighed against the humane concerns of all who are impacted by raising and keeping an animal.
It’s all roses and light when you can spin the story but that’s not what happens in life. Why should such animals be kept alive? She’s already worn out her welcome and ten tons of sympathy doesn’t weigh very much against the practical concerns.

I know it sounds cold, but "life at all cost" does not always grant much of a life.
Isn't it wrong to kill?
No, because God does not care. Life & death are an illusion and nothing in the physical can harm the soul.
Does that mean every defect should be put down? No, certainly not, there are always lessons to be learned. Even from keeping something a alive that shouldn't be kept alive. I learned this lesson the hard way on a ranch. Quit frequently I would put out lots of time and effort to save the life of an animal, only in the end to have to put it down as it was absolutly crazy and attacked everything and everyone. It would have been so much easier to let it die when it was young and cheaper financially too.
Understand that it is wrong to commit murder. There is a big difference between killing and murdering.
One kills for a reason; food & safety.
Murder there is no reason.
Here is the catch, the gray area. One should live and let live, but you don't have to help it and certainly not at all cost. If something is not viable on its own it is usually better to let go of the attachment to it and end suffering of everyone potentially involved.
Keep in mind everything born must die sooner or later.
In nature the sick and the weak are always culled.

Continue at your own emotional risk.
Images are graphic, disturbing
& thoughts are politically incorrect.
However if you can get to the bottom of the page,
what you will learn, will be worth it.

If you have come this far, and you get up set,
you have no one else but yourself to blame
for YOU are response-able.

Does this upset you?
I admit, it does upset me.
But what constitutes abuse? Does using some thing for a purpose constitute abuse? Is hitching a horse to a cart abusive? Is ridding it abusive? Is it abusive to turn it out in the wild to fend for itself? What if it was born wild, is leaving out there in the wild abusive? Is letting it stand around all day in a stall abusive? Think about it, it is abuse for the animal.
What is abuse?

Fun killing?
Killing is never fun.
As cruel as it may seem they are at least being "of service" and that is what they are here for. Is it better to just be killed by gas like this?
Then tossed in the trash like so much garbage or ground up into food for other animals?
Or to "fix" all of them so once the last one dies there are no more?

To be fair, what is the difference between
the images above and those below?
ALL CREATURES are aspects of God.
ALL CREATURES are conscious & can feel.



Fact; EVERYTHING that exists
is food for something else.

Alligator eats snake. - Snake eats alligator.

Fact - not everything is a vegetarian.

Not true, not true at all!
Perhaps it is not as well known as it should be, but many ‘strict herbivores’ will eat other animals.
Yes ask them where their protein comes from.
Pandas are famous for eating huge quantities of bamboo. But if they come across a fresh carcass, they will eat it.
Gorillas eat mainly fruit and plants, but will also eat insects and grubs, and meat if they come across it.

Here a Bambi eats Thumper.

Cow sneak up to the chicken coop and and eats the chicks.
Oh any bird will do.
I've personally seen goats eat chicken eggs & pork chops stolen from the dogs. And I have had wild dear eat meat out of my hands. There are quite a few pics of deer eating meat.
White-tailed deer have also been seen eating fish, insects, small mammals and birds in their nests, and are the hardest predator of bird eggs.

National Geographic News
Hippopotamuses have been filmed eating meat often enough that it can’t be dismissed as a fluke. In fact, they have even been witnessed in the act of cannibalism.
Most reports of hippos eating meat involve the scavenging of animals killed by other causes.
But sometimes hippos will hunt, kill, and eat prey. In 2002, there were news reports from Ethiopia’s Kaffa Province of hippos killing and eating livestock.

Deadly Equines
The Shocking True Story of Meat-Eating and Murderous Horses
There is widespread belief in a warm and comforting story which states the horse is a gentle herbivore. An international multi-million dollar industry and contemporary writers have successfully airbrushed murderous and meat-eating horses out of literature.
What if Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes and Steve McQueen provided artistic evidence to refute that claim?
Truth is horses have slain lions, tigers, pumas, wolves, hyenas and humans. Humanity has known about meat-eating horses for at least four thousand years, during which time horses have consumed nearly two dozen different types of protein, including human flesh, and that these episodes have occurred on every continent, including Antarctica.
That'll Eat You If Given the Chance.
A Panda was caught eating meat.

Always wondered why vegetarians were always such an angry lot of folks. Now I know. Not only are they short of B12 which ONLY comes from meat, what they believed is a lie, and their soul was trying to tell them that. Instead of “waking up” they lashed out at others whom they perceived to be the "enemy".
Just because someone tells you something and shows you (faux) “facts” doesn’t make it truth, no matter how many believe it to be so. Listen to your soul, it’s always right.

I was told “I don’t like this page.”
That is okay by me, it is your choice to not like it. But I have to ask what part of the food chain don't you like?
- The fact that everything that is, is food for something else, including humans.
- That things die in order for life to continue?
That all things, even those which we assumed were “strict vegetarians” actually also eat meat, and that we have been sold a lie about that.
It is what it is, and our opinions of it doesn't change anything about what is. It is something we need to come to accept, that is the whole point, whether we like it or not.
Never the less you do now know what you do not like, so what is it that you do like? Pull that into reality. But be mindful of the consequences of it.
A park once removed all the predators from within its boundaries, and as a result in short order the park itself got very sick. The “vegetarians” quickly over populated, and were more susceptible to illnesses which spread faster and easier. And as the “vegetarians” over populated the park with out predators to keep their population in check, erosion became a very real problem and food for the vegetarians became an even bigger issue. Thus the park's dis-ease showed up on the bottom line in a real hurry.
After 70 years, in 1995 some bright boy in brought the predators (the wolves) back into the park, the sick vegetarians were in short order culled from the heard, diseases stopped spreading like wild fire. Without such a great burden of number on plants, the vegetation had a chance to grow and with that the erosion problems went away and there was now something there for the vegetarians to eat. Even the river changed it's coarse. And a lot of folks were shocked as the park became healthy again after the reintroduction of predators.
Moral is when you have no predators, you need to removed birth from the equation, thus the idea that all dogs and cats should be “fixed” to stop the birth issues. However when you do that and the animals you “fix” are not immortal which is something men can’t “fix”, when the last one dies the species go extinct.
God knew what he was doing when he set life up here. Do not go thinking that your mortal mind is smarter than that of God’s.
So again I ask, what part of the food chain don’t you like? Life at all cost is not life at all. Just because you think death is a "bad" thing doesn't make it so. It is your attachment to how you want thing to be that causes you to suffer the way you. Change your mind and change your life.
Final parting thought; we are told to look to nature for answers, but with nature being so "violent", how can we make a mistake so "wrong" as to be unworthy of love? Answer is, without judgment, we can't.
Note on this thought - keep in mind that while nature is "violent" it kills for food to live, or for protection of self and young. It rearly commits murder, which is killing for no reason, just emotional judgment; it is men who in their fear, teaches domesticated nature fearful thoughts, let us not spread this "dis-ease".

Gotta say this page sure didn't go where I expected it to.