What they are and how to use them.

First and foremost NEVER EVER close or “turn off” your chakras. That has to be one of the craziest things I have ever heard. The chakras are like your house’s power system. If you turn the main breaker off how can your refrigerator, your lights, your security system (shields) work? Answer is that they can’t work at all. Is it any wonder that you can’t do energy work or being an empath hurts you so much. Turn your power on and leave it on, it’s part of your life force and your anchor system to this planet! It is the source of the energy you work with! And if you want it to work you must stay connected to the “grid” too, so ground and STAY GROUNDED! Not only do you have your breakers off, you have also disconnected from the power grid as well. How can you even exist like that?
Worse ungrounded and unshielded you invite vampires to 'feed" off your energy making life far more painful.
Don't feed vampires, create a cord and let them feed off that.
You can find a lot about chakras all over the internet, and I will create pages for them as a whole and as individuals. but for this page I’m dedicating it to something a bit different from what you will find else where.
When I first came out of the woods and started to interact with folks. I was quite and pretended to not know anything. I allowed other psychics to "teach me" what they knew. Right off one of the first things I learned was;
1) Their egos were way out of check. Not only did they think that they were "better than" others.
2) But they had no clue what they were talking about to be so proud of themselves, despite the classes they had been taking. Teachers have been spreading missinformation. Not so sure it is thier fault per say, they can only teach what they know after all, but someone is spreading lies.
3) A LOT of what they knew was not only wrong, it was dangerously so!
a) Closed / turned off chakras – WHAT!
b) Empaths especially, complain about "just being is too painful". – Wonder why?
c) Energy work was very hard and took lots and lots of years of practice. – Imagine that.
You may say “anchor system” I don’t want to be here. - Yes you do, you signed up to come here.
It hurts too much. - I can see why. Your energy system is turned off and shut down. It’s too much work to even remain alive much less anchored here. You can’t access your shields, you have no energy, no power, little to no life force.
- Yes shields you have shields, just like those on the Star Ship Enterprise. And you turn them on just like they do, with the command “Shields up!” You are the captain after all, command your ship. But in order to do that your power must be up and running at all times. If it is not your ship is going to “fall out of the sky”!

Not only do you need your chakras open and function you also NEED to be grounded. There is only ONE reason to un-ground. Earth quakes. They can make you queasy. So if an earth quake makes you feel ill, unground then ground again later. Don't for get to either.
One day the Earth was particularly active, I started feeling really sick. Kind of like one could imagine Loki would after the Hunk tossed him around a bit. I un-grounded, later forgot to reground before going someplace with a friend. When we got to where we were going, there was a healer there, who didn’t know who I was, He called up on Archangels to help him heal, I was there so I got the job spiritually. Next thing I know I was on the ground he was pulling and using my life force to heal others. I couldn’t sustain the pull since I was not connected to God. My falling to the floor caused him to pause long enough for me to quickly re-ground and get back up again.
You should NEVER EVER do any energy work / healing without being grounded, your system on and shields up.
You should also never do energy work by first running their energy through you or your energy through them. DO NOT DO THAT! YOU are not the healer, God is. Let Him do his job and you do yours. Plug yourself into God. As a healer what you do is plug others into God as well, not into you. You are not God and most of you can’t even keep your own house in order much less yours and someone else’s.
Apologies for the poor art work, I don't have much to work with. It's not about the art anyway. It is more important that you understand, than the art work to be perfect. If you don't like my art, please feel free to create something better for me to use.
- Thank you.

How to Ground
Like everything else it is all about intent. Imagine two electrical cords; one comes up out of the crown chakra on top of your head, the other out of your bubbling springs chakra in your feet. Pull these cords; up from the crown, and down from the bubbling springs chakras in your feet. Connect the crown cord to the Universe and the bubbling springs cord to the Earth's core. It is that simple.
Next thing you need to do is to move the energy. If female (sex not orientation) pull up from the Earth through the bubbling springs chakra and one at a time flow the energy through the other charkas then out of the crown chakra into the Universe. If male pull down from the Universe though the crown charka and run it though each of the chakras one at a time then out the bubbling springs into the Earth. As the energy flows through each chakra, allow it to clean and balance that charka.
To work on someone else, do the same sort of thing.
Imagine you have two long extension cords; instead of having two ends it has four. Plug one in into the Universe, the other into the crown of whom ever you are working on. The other goes from their bubbling springs chakra to the Earth’s core.
For those of you whom are into construction, you know some times when you connect a cord to a tool to an extension cord you tie them in a knot so they don’t pull apart while you are working. That is what this meme is attempting to illustrate. I tie the cords together before connecting them especially if working with a "vampire" that way it give the feel as though it is coming from you.
Questions & Answers
On Grounding & Healing
Question 1; Do you carry a charge?
Answer; No, I don’t need to. Nor do you when you stay grounded like this as one can always pull what ever energy is needed when it is need, therefore ya don’t have to “carry it”.
Question 2: Do you clean your chakras?
Answers: No, I don’t need to. When you stay grounded like this they are always being flushed sort of like a river flowing or a toilet flushing, clean energy is always moving through you. Energy never becomes stagnant to it doesn’t need cleaned.
Question 3: How do you heal without a charge?
Answer: Just as I ground, I pull energy up from the Earth and down from the Universe without running it through myself. That way when I heal someone I am not imparting anything that I might be going through, through them like a lot of miss taught Reiki practitioners do.
Same thing with energy vampires who want to attach to me. I create a “string” just for them, open it up like shield and connect them to it rather than allow them to connect to me.
Question 4 I've never heard of the Bubbling Springs Chakra's, Where are they located?
Answer; In the palms of your hand and the >souls< of your feet.

Wait a minute I recognize those places!
Yes you do. No man can hang from nails place in those places. to be nailed to a cross the nails must be placed between the two arm bones (ulna & radius) above the wrist . And between the two leg bones (tibia & fibula) above the ankles.
So why do they show it the nails being in the hands and feet?
It is symbolic, not factual, it means they took away his power to heal folks. We heal each other with those chakras. One grounds the other is use to move energy with. Not necessary to use one's hands, intent is more important, but it makes it easier to understand and your patient feels like you are doing something.
~ Clairsentience ~
The ability to 'feel clearly'
~Empathy ~

Healers & those with the gift of clairsentience / empaths need to learn to shield themselves. Below are two ways to do it, keep in mind there is no one “right” or “wrong way to shield yourself. if you have a different way and it works for you that is the way you need to do it. Choose whichever way works best for you.

These shields, though invisible are very real, test it, prove it to yourself. Ask a friend to help you. Command "shields up" then have a friend blow bubbles at you and see if they touch you or remain a distance from you.
Any issues you have, will show up in your shields, so keep that in mind.

Ask a friend
to help you
Test it, prove it

If you are at "dis-ease", and your energy looks like this, so too will your shields lack integrity. >>>
This lack of integrity will show up as vortexes that the bubbles will get caught in and spin, through these vortexes negative energy will enter your energy field. Any “self-medication” that one does, be it alcohol, marijuana or some other drug, this too will show up in your shields as vortexes where you are losing your power. The need for such “medication” comes from fearing “the paper tiger”. Nothing here can harm you, there is nothing to fear, face it heart on!

On Healing
If you are not 100 percent healthy DO NOT attempt to heal others, all you are doing is spreading your sickness to them especially if you are runing energy through yourself first. That is not healing, that is contaminating, it is a kin to having the flu and French kissing everyone calling that “healing”. Actually French kissing would probably a far better “vaccine” than a shot would be but that is a different situation, the point is you are spreading illness, not curing anything. Is it any wonder folks have to keep going back to their healers, the healers not healing just raking in the money. Wonder why no one trusts psychics.
I know saying that is going to piss a lot of folks off … but that only means the ego is out of check and it is the truth, other wise there is no reason for offence.
I can full well understand how being around others with your shields down and your energy centers turned off can hurt. How do keep burglars (energy vampires) or even the “vacuum of space” out of your ship if you can’t close and lock the doors because your shields are down because your system is turned off?
It hurts more when you “take on another’s pain” by running their sick / low power through you. That is NOT your job, that is NOT why you are here. Everyone has their own lessons to learn. They can’t learn it if you do their home work for them.
Oh and by the way. DO NOT attempt to heal someone BEFORE you scan them.
Yes you have a scanner too. With your energy system on you can “scan” ahead to see if it is safe to go there in the first place. The crew of the Enterprise never blundered onto planets or into places without first scanning what was there, why should you? You have NO IDEA what is out there.
I worked a fair once, I had a Reiki 2 practitioner behind me. She just jumped right in there and started doing her thing. Well the person she was working on had attachments, attachments that don’t like Reiki energy. So yes when she started doing her thing she for sure got rid of that attachment on her client but it attacked and attached to me from behind! If she had scanned first, she could have “captured” the energy attachment (sucker) and not spread it to someone else.
I was shocked to learn that it got past my shields. I learn to reset my shields to not only keep out negative energy vampires, but lower positive energy beings as well. They don’t technically qualify as “vampires” as the do pay their way, but they still pull on your energy as any parisite would. Surprise, yes there is such a thing very similar to a Goa'uld from Star Gate.
[They attach to the back of the neck and down spine via nervous system. They “pay their way” with knowledge without wisdom – which can get you into a LOT of trouble. They hate Reiki energy, so do Reiki on someone they will only jump to someone else, maybe to you, if you don't capture them and remove them first. They will give you one heck of a headache! Please DO NOT do something you are NOT fully trained to do, let your guides, Archangel Michael or Archangel Raphael take care of it if you don't know how. ]
So many of you think of your selves as “aliens from another world”. You have no idea how true that is, but yet you have no clue as to how to act like you are either. Go outside at night without the lights, look up and take a look, this world is a space ship! It has shields to protect you that are always up and running. Why don’t you have yours up and running? Your body is a space ship too! We are not walking around in little dome bubbles, that is space out there! We are in a sea of energy. If you don’t have your shields up (creating your own dome bubbles) or scan the area before you before you get there; how can you expect to keep “negative” energy out of your ship?
The only way you can do any of this is with your chakras, cleaned, open and balanced at all times. If they are not, you can’t hold on to your own body (via the root chakra) and you start to slip out. That invites energy vampires and “nastiness” to move in and take over.

Here is some advice; since there has been some major purging energies going on … some of you come to me telling me that “bad things” are getting through your shields. No they are not getting through your shields, they are coming out of you. Just as the shields block bad things from getting in they will also block things you wish to purge from getting away from you. You are trapping them in there with you.
While I don’t recommend dropping your shields, I do recommend that you alter them so that anything you wish to purge can leave. Think of it as a one way valve, allowing things out but not back in. Remember in order to receive something we must let something go to allow room for it to come.
What blocks a chakra's energy flow?