For years I have seen this question and never once could I come up with an answer that felt right.
Today ... today however is a different day and today I feel like ...
If you all recall a while back I had a "!" that I shared with you.
That no matter how bad we felt, God also felt that bad too, only His pain is multiplied by all the people in all the dimensions who also felt that way. That we were not alone in how we felt.

How many time have I said, “We are aspects of God, we can’t be what God is not. If God is love we are also love, therefore we can’t be unworthy of love.”

Use the
Law of Attraction!
The Universe
is a feeling Universe.

Plant the seeds, then let it grow!

Ya, ya heard it all before, dots, dots, dots.
But what does it all mean?

starts with me!

We are not here to search for self love, because like our Creator we are Love. All that we have, are and is, is Love.
Love is all that we ever will be.
We are here to BE LOVE.

To radiate our love out in all directions, touching every thing with it, healing every thing we touch with our love.
We are here to Love with the quality of selfless service, without any attachments to how you want things to be.
To love because that is what we are.

Shine your light like the sun, shinning on all mankind with it’s sinner & it’s saint totally unaffected by their attitude towards it.

Why are you here?