True Light Workers are Encouragers

Someone mentioned, “I'm seeing a lot of "high frequency" light workers talking about all this bullshit like well if you're not doing A B C D and E then you're still at a very low vibration going to be left behind ..."
I CALL BULLSHIT. Those people are just tied into another belief system. This ascension is so much bigger than any of us. I'm learning quickly that the light workers talking about how high up they are.....are being fooled by ego and false light. They're being toyed with.”
I disagree, any one who thinks that they are a "high frequency" light worker and yet judges others or who says how "high" they think that they are, are not as high as they might want you believe or are, and worse they are hurting others.
I am unconcerned about A, B, C, D and E. No one will be “left behind” God does not carve His self up and leave parts of Himself behind.
The purpose of what I created is to encourage others to make their own path. To not worry about other's “plans” about how things should be, because when the "sh-t" hits the plans the plans don't survive. I’m not talking just about social issues, but about personal issues as well. If you have a plan / "religion" and you can't duck because you are stuck in that belief system (bs) you are in trouble.
That is why I spoke up when someone labeled me & the Indigo Healing House as "new age". Not true, I will have no part in that ego trip / religion, that is how I see it.
In fact, just like every religion I have walked into (there have been about 8 of them), the New Agers feel threatened by my presence and have repeatedly shown me the door. Some because I was not like them, I can’t be anyone else but me. The other groups because they fear that I will in some way “take way their clients”.
I am not in competition with anyone, everyone here has their own job do to. Clearly I can’t do it all, if I could, there would be no need for others to be here, and there are a million incarnated angles alone, that doesn't count Indigo, Crystal, Amethyst or Rainbow Children and other light workers here.

I am the sledge hammer, my job is to destory long held graven images. I can’t build houses or hang photos.
If so called light workers were as smart as sea gulls, instead of fearing the air craft carrier’s wake, they would fall in behind and clean up all the fish brought to the surface. They would have so many clients they wouldn't have time to worry about "lack".

Far too many folks who call themselves "light workers" or "masters" are not, because they are discouragers not encouragers. This discouragment often comes without being asked for at all.
I have even been told, "You should not use your gifts because a certain guru didn't teach you." ...
That guru didn't give the gift, God did. God intends for us to use them, that is why we are here. So for those who receive such "advice gifts", keep in mind it is more about them and stroking their ego, than it is about you. Ignore it.

No, no one’s job is to distract others from their own paths, by telling them that if you're not doing A B C D and E then you're still very low vibration and are going to be left behind. That is not what we are here for.

Notice the word “LIVE” not “preach”my truth. No two people have the same truth.
And that is okay, we are not to judge that.

Yes it is that simple.