The only thing that exists is energy.
God is Loving Energy.

Everything and everyone is composed of energy. Energy runs on both a positive and negative current – In math these energy currents are called sine & cosign. Energy cannot be grasped, contained or controlled--otherwise you will receive a counter force. Energy must be allowed to flow. It is always your choice of how you react, respond to or work with energy.
Question: Do you try to grasp and control or do you allow it to flow?

Just like in math, when you have two positive or two negative numbers and you add them together you get a greater or larger positive or negative number.
But when you add a positive and negative number of the same value, you get nothing – zero as the numbers cancel each other out.
The same is true with sign and cosign waves.
Lets rephrase this: Imagine the crest of the wave as a representation of "positive" energy and the trough as a representation of "negative" energy. So if you are faced with negative energy within your environment and you react with more negative energy you have amplified the wave and increased its power. So the best way to eliminate negative energy is to react with positive energy that is equal to or greater in value then the negative energy. When you end up with that "straight line", you have brought things back into balance. The Universe always seeks balance

Linier time as we know it does not exist off this planet as it is a fiction created by mass and gravity. God and the Angels count time in sine & cosign waves. From one peek to the next is one Angel day. With the low energy being considered simular to "midnight" here on Earth. When energy is low, getting things done seems to require more energy. While a lot of folks may not like this idea, the best way to survive low energy times is to consume meat.
Keep in mind that all energy is God. Souls "feed" off God, that is just how it is. As above so below. In a simular fashion our cells feed off of us. We are to God as a cell are to us.

12/21/12 was not the "end of the world" as everyone now knows, it never was. What it was, was the end of linier time on Earth.
Proof that time is not real has started occuring to many folks as they now find themselves awakening from a dream, only to discover they are still dreaming. That is both a from of time travel and being omnipresent; being in more than one place at the same time. How very God like is that?
When religious text speak of man being "created in God's image", it was not speaking about the human body of man. It was speaking about the soul, the "sine/cosign" energy wave that we are all apart of.
Brain waves - sine / cosign
Because everything is energy, it is possable to both make yourself sick, and to heal yourself with just a thought. All you need to do is to bring your thought wave back into ease from the state of dis-ease, the choice is yours.

I was asked what are
Ways of deflecting and attracting energy

Let’s say you are flying down the road and a bird crosses your path, impact is imminent. By the time you fling your hand up off the steering wheel and figure out where you put your tongue it’s too late for the bird and likely as not, it could be too late for you as well, as all that commotion could put you in harms way as well.
What if you were standing still talking to someone and a fly gets in your face? You would swat it out of the way right?
Why not do the same thing with the bird? There really is no difference, it’s all energy. A thought of a little shove in the right direction and collision is avoided.
Well the truth is intent is everything!
I know it is taught that you need to use your hands & breathe, with your tongue attached to the roof of your mouth. Dominant to attract while you breathe in and when deflecting you use your non dominating hand and to exhale.
The truth is, that is not necessary at all. It is fine if you are just learning, or meditating but in an emergency … you just don’t have time to stop and think “Where do I put my tongue and which hand to I use!”
All you need to do is get the job done and done now! Intent is everything and the spiritual is no different than the physical.
As above so below as below so above.

I would like to offer a special “Thank you”, to
Lisa Robertson Milam for proof reading this page.
Thank you Lisa.