The Holiday Season,
need not be blue.
Life is a journey in which we each take our own paths, and find our own truths. To find truth and happiness, we all need to play our own tune in accordance with each of our own chosen paths, spiritual gifts, talents and interests. Be still, withdraw from the world of illusion (meditate) and just be yourself. So may of us are far too critical of ourselves. We are taught this by society. A society (which include our parents, family, teachers, politicians, religious leaders, etc.) which is full of wounded and hurt people who wound and hurt others. This is a cycle we need to break, by making a different choice.
Our goal is to evolve, and rise above, to love and be loved. When we play our own tunes we can begin to repair our damaged selves and be the light in the damaged dark world we live in.
The best place to start is not with outside others telling them what they should and should not do, but with ourselves.
If you can’t find a good person, then be one.

Live by the Golden Rule, treat others as you want treated.
If you feel lonely, go visit someone else who is also lonely; such as someone in a nursing home even if that person is a complete stranger to you or an elderly neighbor and help them to feel not so alone.

Set personal boundaries, you are not anyone’s doormat or speed bump, you need not do anything you don’t want to just to be accepted. It does not matter what you do, you will never be accepted under those circumstances, only used and abused because the truth of the matter is you just can’t buy love, only short term attention. They will never be there for you when you want or more importantly when you need them.

Do not worry about what others MAY BE thinking..

Even when they speak the words, remember this, what they say about you or someone else, has far more to do with themselves than it ever will you or who ever it is they are speaking of.
Take away their power to hurt you by ignoring them as they never spoke.

Remember this two wrongs do not make one right.
Your truth does not include slandering someone else. As what you have to say says more about you than about them.

Thumper! What did your daddy tell you this morning? Best advice yet!

Just because "everyone else is doing it" or "it's always been done" does not make something correct, in fact you can just about count on it being wrong, which will only cause even more pain and suffering.
It's time for something new and different. Something that allows folks to feel good, to feel God.

It's time for a new paradigm!
Which includes;
Always doing the very best you can.
Being honest with yourself and others.
Accept what is and not demand that
anything be different from what it is.
Forgiveness, gratitude & self love.

Okay so you made a mistake, big deal, it's not the end of the world. Own it then people can't tease you for it. Owning it allows you to change things, to make better decisions in the future, so it does not happen again and again.

Since life is a classroom, where we are not bodies but souls in a body, and our treasures are our thoughts, we have the power to change everything with just a thought so be very mindful of your thoughts and intentions and make sure they are in alignment. And be even more mindful of your words.