The Census Bureau reported last year that the national dropout rate has reached a record low. Compared to 2000, when 12 percent of young adults were dropouts, recent data shows just 7 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds had dropped out of high school.”
I look at this and I have to ask, Just who are you trying to fool?
I never was good with percentages. But I know that the 2000 – 12 percent drop out rate must be far better than the 2014 or 2015 7% drop out rate.
Because to get that 7 percent high school “drop out” rate they are counting “children” between the ages of 19 – 24 who should have already graduated and NOT be in High School in the first place. That is 5 years worth of folks they are adding to the data to change it to “look good”.
I may not be the smartest cookie, but I am not anywhere near the dumbest either.