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50 years of gay pride

Gate Lion

“Exuberant crowds carrying rainbow colors filled New York City streets Sunday June 28, 2019 for one of the largest pride parades in the history of the gay-rights movement.” scream headlines.

Please trust me on this, I do not care how confused your sexual orientation is, if you are asexual, celibate, heterosexual, a “vegetarian”, a virgin, a homosexual or an amoeba, it is NOT my business what you choose to do “in the closet” which is where such things belong, not in my face!

If you are a man and you want a man, a man who wants a woman, a woman who wants a man, a woman who wants a woman, as long as the other person(s) involved is of age to consent, and does so then more power to you just leave me out of it. If you feel you need my permission or consent to do what you want to do, then you must be doing the wrong thing, and no matter what it is, I refuse to give it as it is not my business.

There are lots of laws on the books one such law is no PDA (Public Display of Affection) allowed. Favoritism is displaced when heterosexuals are busted and homosexuals are allowed due to media's “007 license to over kill” BULL SHIT!

Get your crotch out of my face!


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