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Ronald Davis - I'm not a bum, I'm a human being

Ronald Davis - I'm not a bum, I'm a human being who is down on his luck.

When someone falls "too far" down there is NO way up without a lot of help. Being homeless is a very hard thing to endure. Just like he said, I can't leave my number if I don't have a phone. You can't get a phone without an address and job.

You can't leave an address when you don't have one. No one will hire you without one. It is a crazy catch 22.

You can't get government help without a phone, address and a light/utility bill as well.

There is something very wrong with a society that we allow such to go on and we will go to great lengths to help animals but not our own. Sad, sad thing.

You may not be able to help everyone, but if you could help just one, that one would appreciate it. When you reach out, be sure to help those who want it, not just someone who is on the street. Some want to be where they are, some are not even homeless at all they are just unwilling to work they really do bum. Some have other issues that need addressed – such as drug dependency, or PTSD. But for those who just fall between the cracks it doesn’t take much to help them. But without that help they can't get back up again.

What he needs is about 1 – 3 months in a motel, so he can use the motel’s address and phone on job applications, after that he shoudl be able to take care of himself again. It really is amazing how easy it is to end up like this. (Please note this man may well be an actor trying to make a point.)

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