If your actively protecting a parasite, yes that is what it is till it is viable on its own, but do not care about the child once it is born you are not pro-life, you are pro-birth.
One day I met a woman who was “pro-life” and she wanted to start an argument with me over it. I refused her. She knew how I felt, about it. Hey let’s face it, growing up I was abused and would have much rather been taken out early on than to have endured all the hell I went through to grow up and then all the hell I had to go through to “fix” the mess someone else had made of me which has taken more time than it did to mess me up.
Anyway, she asked me why I didn’t want to argue with her over it.
I looked her in the eye and said, “You put your money where your mouth is.” And I went about what I was doing.
She looked confused but was clearly proud of herself and she asked me to explain what I meant.
I told her. “You can’t just tell someone who doesn’t want to raise a child that they must have it, as the clearly unwanted child will only be further harmed after birth by being neglected, abused and sometimes they are even killed. So, unless you are willing to adopt that child and give it a better home than what it would have if it stayed with its birth parents who never wanted it to start with you have no right what so ever. But you did that, you have children who are not of your own. I will not argue with you about it as I have no grounds.”
The truth is this;
No one has the right to tell another what to do with their bodies. If you don’t want someone to abort a parasite then offer to take that baby in after it is born and pay all the medical bills which is incurred by the keeping there of.
Before you get all upset about the “babies rights”, keep in mind that until it is viable on its own, it has no “rights”. Any other parasite, be it a worms, mites, lice, mosquitoes, ticks flees, leaches all of which are viable on their own, just need protein / blood to reproduce, you have no issues with killing. Why not that? Humans are not “special”.
God doesn’t care if a parasite / human embryo is terminated or not.
Because nothing in the physical can harm the soul. Besides until just before birth the soul is not attached to the body anyway, which is why the mother “glows” as the baby’s souls is “around” the mother, not in her.
Furthermore the soul which chooses that person as a mother is well aware of the “risks” and chooses it anyway precisely because of that “risk”. It is, after all, just another experience.
We all die some day, somehow, this is just another way, it is not a big deal in the eyes of God. - He told me so Himself.
So who are you to judge another?