Lets face it no one likes hearing the truth, it is painful. However if you are unwilling to hear the truth, and continue to lie to yourself about things you really need to know about, how can you change or grow?
Now mind you the truth and other people’s opinions are not one and the same. Nor is that annoying voice in your head that you hear over and over again, that is not the truth either it’s just programmed opinions of others that belongs in the trash can.
The truth is you are worthy of Love, especially of your own love. If you can’t find it in yourself to love you? How can you love others or expect them care enough about you to love you if you are not worthy of your own love? That is and ways will be the truth. Love yourself first for no aspect of God is unworthy of His or your own love.
Now what is so bad about that that you can’t stand to hear it?